Vivienne thought they’d stopped, but then the females approached, with Zahira leading them. In wolf form, the Elder sniffed at them before she rolled onto her back, presenting her belly to Vivienne. Sensing something was required of her, Vivienne tapped her nose to it. Verity was next, and then Samia. Vivienne tensed, unsure of what to expect, but Samia only did the same as the females before her. As the other females came, Vivienne relaxed against her mate as he affectionately nuzzled her. The last of the females were coming through, these smaller, and more timid than the rest, when she felt Conall slip from her.

Don’t move, alainn.

She didn’t, watching as the females sniffed and showed their bellies, until finally Zahira returned to them. She was human and clothed in the robe once more. “Before Elders and pack, you are declared officially mated. May Luna see fit to give you many children.” And then she turned and looked around the gathering of wolves. “May this night be fruitful in more ways than one. The food has been released.”

Howls went up around the clearing and Conall stood, nudging Vivienne into doing the same. They cut quite an image, the large black wolf and the sleeker white wolf at his side.

What are we doing?

Hunting. The food was released today. Chickens, hares…other small animals.

As they made their way through the crowd, the wolves parted, some nudging her affectionately as they did so.

Run with me, Vivienne.

They tore off for the trees, followed abruptly by the howls of the pack behind them.


Conall led her as deep into the makeshift woods as he could, wanting some semblance of privacy with his mate. She was beautiful as a wolf, majestic-looking with her white fur and shocking blue eyes. His wolf approved, constantly nudging and licking at her. Even the beast seemed domesticated around her.


There was a small stream next to them, and he watched as Vivienne went over and began to lap at the water. Sliding up behind her, he sniffed at her, moving away when her tail swatted at him playfully.

She lifted her head, blue eyes finding his yellow stare and holding it, before she jumped across the stream, tossed him a challenging grin, and began to run.


If you catch me, you can have me.

His wolf howled even as the man tried to negotiate the terms. Forever?

Yes, forever.

The wolf began tracing her scent, leaping across the cold stream and sniffing her out. I thought I already had you forever.

Catch me anyway.

He tracked her, until a flash of white flew past him. Grinning, Conall ran her down, pouncing on her back to topple her, and then rolling away. She was up quickly, and tried to escape once more. He tackled her again, until breathing harshly, she licked at his face and gave up.

I always feel small compared to you, even as a wolf. Standing, she stretched elegantly.

You are tiny compared to me, alainn.

As a wolf, he towered over her by many inches, and probably outweighed her by at least a hundred pounds. He sniffed at her intimately again, and she lifted her tail, gasping when he licked at her. Conall continued his licks until she was panting, and whining.

Placing his front paws against her, he inched his way against her until his cock touched her warm and wet opening. He pushed forward, growling as he slipped inside. Conall caught sight of a few wolves spying on them, but they were ignored. His only concentration was Vivienne. It wasn’t long before she was mewling beneath him, crying out as he drove her over the edge. He wasn’t far behind, coming inside her body without pinning her.

She needed no help changing back to her human form. In moments, her human body was sprawled against him. Conall pulled her onto him and eyed the voyeurs. On one side was a male and female couple in human form. The female was on her knees, her mouth closed over the male’s cock. The other side had a wolf couple. The two of them had finished at some time before Conall and Vivienne, and were currently pinned. Another side had a hybrid couple, and another a human and wolf couple. One party would shift soon enough.

I can’t believe you found us privacy.

Conall almost laughed. Not quite privacy. Just people who knew well how to be lurkers, and watchers.

Is the ceremony over?

Yes. The pack will….

Screw each other’s brains out? Vivienne supplied, lifting her head and looking over him to where another couple was obviously doing that.


She giggled and buried her face in his chest.

They were watching us, weren’t they?


Vivienne lifted her head again and stared at the couple. It wasn’t long before her nipples stiffened against him, or her heat beckoned. He slid easily into her, and she smiled and looked down at him before lifting her eyes to the couple again. Her position gave him unlimited access to her breasts, which hung down before him like sweet berries. She began to moan soon, working her hips faster as she looked between him and the couple.

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