Conall pulled her into his arms again. “If she’s alive, I promise you, we’ll find her.”


The better part of Sunday was spent tracking Drew’s scent. Conall had taken a box filled with her clothing back to Cedar Creek, and had given an article to each of his hunters. He’d done so knowing it would likely be futile. The city was huge, and Drew could be anywhere, if she was even in the city. He did it to appease Vivienne, who looked so forlorn he would try anything. When they’d arrived home last night, she’d gone into the bathroom, locked the door, and cried. He’d wanted to comfort her, had contemplated flashing himself into the bathroom, but had let her be. She’d come out after and he’d hugged her as she stared at him with sad eyes.

Zahira came to him just after dusk, dressed in a flowing red and black robe. She presented him with the two robes, white in color with various Celtic symbols adorning them, and told him the pack was waiting. The mating ceremony. With Drew missing, and Vivienne hysterical, he’d forgotten.

Running a hand over his face, Conall replied, “I think we’ll have to push it back, Zahira.”

The Elder’s brows crinkled. “Why, Conall? The next full moon is a month away. You won’t last until then.”

He wouldn’t. With Vivienne unattached, it was likely he would snap, and probably kill someone.

“She’s not ready—”

“I’ve seen her. She’s more than ready,” Zahira countered.

“Zahira, you don’t understand—” He stopped abruptly when Vivienne entered his office and moved over to the plastic-covered robes. Conall and Zahira both eyed her warily.

“Which one’s mine?” she finally asked, looking to Zahira.


A relived sigh came from the Elder as she walked over and handed her the smaller one.

“Thank you.” Vivienne gave her a smile. Zahira looked at her curiously before she nodded and turned to Conall.

“We’ll be waiting outside,” she said before she left them alone.

“Alainn, you don’t have to—”

“I know,” Vivienne cut in, lifting her eyes to his. She smiled. “I want to.”

He stepped around his desk and approached her. “Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been so sure,” she replied. As he watched, full to bursting with love for her, she stripped out of her clothes and put on the robe, tying the binding at the front.

Stepping onto her toes, she kissed his lips. “Your turn.”


After changing into the male version of her robe, Conall led Vivienne into the backyard, and then to the very clearing where she’d fought Samia. There was a stillness among the weres gathered, one that hadn’t been there last Saturday. Many of them were partially undressed, some already in wolf form. A slight murmur went through the crowd as he led Vivienne to the open space at the center, where Zahira waited. Upon seeing them, she smiled briefly before looking up to the bright, full moon already making an appearance.

“Luna, your children gather before you to beg your blessing in the joining of our alpha to his chosen,” she began loudly, her voice carrying to the large gathering. There were people everywhere. Vivienne looked up and noticed some of them were even in trees.

“Conall Athelwulf, who is this female you take to mate?”

He squeezed her hand lightly and replied in a clear voice, “Vivienne Bordeaux.”

“Will anyone challenge Conall Athelwulf’s right to mate this female?”

Tensing, his eyes flashed yellow as they swept the gathered crowd. There was no challenge.

“Vivienne Bordeaux, who is this male you take to mate?”

“Conall Athelwulf,” she replied.

“Will anyone challenge Vivienne Bordeaux’s right to this male?”

She mimicked Conall, and looked around. No challenge was issued.

Zahira nodded. “Conall Athelwulf, will you take this female you have claimed to be your true mate throughout her lifetime?”


She asked the same question of Vivienne, about Conall. She answered yes.

Zahira nodded and spoke in a strong, carrying voice, “Luna approves of the mating of our pack alpha to this female. Take your mate, Conall Athelwulf.”

She stepped back, and blended into the crowd of people around them. Vivienne felt the crowd’s anticipation even as fear rose inside of her. What now?

Conall turned to her and smiled.

You have nothing to fear, alainn.

Slowly, he reached for the binding of her robe. Vivienne held her breath as he undid it, and pushed the material to the side. The bitter chill touched her naked body and Vivienne inhaled deep, her nipples puckering instantly.

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