Even as a part of Conall rejoiced at hearing those words—Brennus had been a thorn in his side since the Elder had come to the pack, especially when it came to Vivienne—another part saw the injustice in it.

“What are your feelings to my mate?” Conall asked instead, eyeing each and every one of them.

Rafael was the first to answer, and Conall only restrained himself because Vivienne had spent all of yesterday rousing and soothing his beast. He’d catered to her every need, as only he could, and she loved him for it.

“Beauty, brains, strength. If Vivienne ever tires of you, I’ll be waiting, and—”

“And you, Samia?” Conall interrupted before he was forced to kill him.

She tilted her head slightly, and her hair tumbled over her shoulder, hiding most of one breast. “She is strong, and merciful. I respect that.”


“Well, she isn’t just a druid. She’s part wolf, and as my daughter said, merciful. I have no objections to the ceremony anymore.”

“Good.” Because if anyone had so much as hinted at one, they’d all be out on their proverbial asses. “You’ve been with this pack for decades, Brennus. I value your opinion as an Elder. You don’t have to leave if it is not your wish. I’ve seen Samia’s memories, and she acted as any of us would in that situation. It was either kill or be killed. As far as I am concerned, there’s no need for this to ever be brought up again. If something like this happens again, though, I will have the truth!” Following nods from the three of them, he turned to Rafael. “You’re leaving soon?”

Rafael shrugged. “It’s possible. Now that this is cleared up, I may stay a bit longer. Cold ain’t so bad when you’re around family.”

“Keep your distance from my mate, and I won’t kill you.”


A smile curved Rafael’s lips and for a moment, Conall thought he would have to make good on that threat. Instead, Rafael nodded once.

“Samia.” Conall dipped his head in acknowledgement and she nodded.

He turned and walked from the house with Sloan following him. It was just after noon and the schools had let out for lunch. Conall was about to ask Sloan if he’d suspected anything with Samia and Tia when Eli stepped into his path. Looking tousled and boyish, his nephew grinned and asked one question.

“Can I come home now? Raoul says the heat’s back on.”

Conall passed his nephew a smile and nodded, watching as he bounced away to join his friends. In a few months, Eli would be called upon to demonstrate his skills as a hunter. His nephew was growing up quickly. Gregory would have been proud.

“Someone’s called a Council meeting,” Sloan said, and Conall turned to find his friend scrolling through his Blackberry. “Six o’clock this evening.”

Curious, Conall asked, “Did it say who?”

“No. E-mail came from Agar.”

He nodded, unsure if he was going. Maximilian Cronin had left a sour taste for the Council in his mouth.


When he left Cedar Creek for the emergency meeting of the Council, Vivienne was still asleep. She’d awoken briefly to eat, and had promptly gone back to sleep. Before he left, he’d alerted Zahira, so that the Elder would be there in case she awoke, and Vivienne would be around a female who’d had similar experiences. As he had centuries ago, Vivienne had grown fond of Zahira. If not for this meeting, he would have stayed with Vivienne. Still, he was curious to know the state of the Council after what had happened at Stonehenge. In fact, every time he thought of the witches, he wanted to rip throats out. Cronin was dead, or worse off—Vivienne’s druid grandmother had seen to that—so he put him from his mind, but there had been almost a dozen of them at Stonehenge. He remembered seeing Tiberius, whom he believed was still alive, and Wilhem, although Wilhem had obviously been forced to be the sacrifice. The vampires had been there as well, although they chose only to observe.

He arrived just as Dominic and Drako steered their cars into the parking lot of the warehouse. Greetings were exchanged before Drako spoke.

“So the druids have been resurrected?”

Conall nodded. He’d spoken to them very briefly since he’d returned to the country. Between taking care of Creek business, and Vivienne going into heat, he hadn’t had the time.

“And they’ve vowed not to make trouble?” Dominic questioned.

“They seem genuine,” Conall replied, keeping pace with the other pack alphas as they headed into the building.

“And Cronin’s dead?”

“Or wishing for it.”

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