At least you’re still here. That in itself will speak volumes.


When they stood before her, the representatives of each of their communities, Nicolette lifted her head and peered through the darkness to the creatures she knew lurked therein.

“Will you insult us with your lack of presence, vampires?” she asked with a tilt of her head and a lift of her brow.

There was a slight shifting in the air, and then about twenty vampires walked out of the darkness. She immediately recognized their leader. Verenus Riddelin. Unchanged by time in the way unique to immortals, he still looked the part of a handsome Frenchman, except his clothing and hair were more modern. He was perhaps older than she.

As Verenus stepped forward, dipping his head at her and lifting a blond brow, she addressed them all. Her voice was soft, but it carried on the wind. “We are a small, but powerful race. We are also a peaceful race. We have no intention of waging war against any community. War has taken much from us already, and we work to rebuild. We would prefer to embrace you as allies, rather than enemies. You have nothing to fear from us, and we in turn hope we have nothing to fear from you. I, Nicolette Selene DeGaul of the House of Selene, do solemnly swear that the druids will launch no attack on any community unless it is in the defense of our own. This is my word, freely given.”

“Is est nostrum vox, libere vexamen,” the druids called out after her. This is our word, freely upheld.


After her speech, Nicolette, along with two male druids, moved to where Cassie sat with Alexander. Leaning down, she gently laid a hand against Cassie’s cheek, smiling as she did so. The men carefully lifted Alexander between them, and Cassie watched as they disappeared into the crowd of waiting druids.

“Will you come with us, Cassandre?” Nicolette asked softly.

Cassie blinked and focused on her. “Wha—where will you go?”


“Everywhere. We must rebuild in the place safest for us to do so. In order to find that, we must search.”

“And Alexander?”

Nicolette’s smile faded and she drew her hand away. “Alexander is one of the most powerful of our people. If anyone could survive this twice, it would be him.”

Cassie nodded, and pushed herself up. She brushed at her clothing, blinking rapidly at the red that stained her fingers.

“When he awakes….” she began shakily, but Nicolette held up a hand and smiled.

“He will come to you,” she assured her, looking over her should to the silent people who seemed to be waiting for her. “You won’t come with us?”

She shook her head, looking around for her sister.

“I understand,” Nicolette said slowly.

As she turned, Cassie asked, “And my mother?”

“She will be waiting for you when you arrive home.”

“Thank you…Grandmother.”

Nicolette looked over her shoulder with a little smirk. “Grandmother? Yes, I assume I will have to grow used to the term, although…it does make me seem old.”

Cassie smiled. It was true. Nicolette didn’t look the part of a mother, much less a great-grandmother.

“Nicolette, I—we—thank you.”

“You are welcome, Cassandre.” She turned and began walking in the direction of the druids. Just as suddenly, she stopped and turned back to Cassie. Lifting a hand to her chest, she said, “If any of you ever have need of me, simply call.”

Brows furrowing, Cassie blinked in confusion. Nicolette laughed.

“Do not worry. I will come if there is need.”

With that she turned and continued walking to her people. She disappeared in the midst of them, and moments later, they all vanished. The entire group—including Alexander—melted into the air.


After the druids disappeared, the vampires followed suit, leaving only the weres behind. Soon, they too, began to disperse. Although Conall headed back to Astrid’s townhouse, it was only for a short moment. Now that Vivienne was safe, he was anxious to be home. His mate and her sister took quick showers there as he spoke with Eirik and Astrid, before heading to the airport. Santiago had decided stay a while longer, and while Conall found it strange, he’d never before tried to figure Santiago out, and had no intention of doing so now.

Once they were aboard his jet and heading for New York on a very early Wednesday morning, he found himself relaxing. It had taken Vivienne only minutes before she’d fallen into a deep sleep beside him. And it had taken him only seconds after that recognition before he scooped her up and deposited her in his lap. She’d awoken briefly, but with a little smile, she’d burrowed her head against his chest, wrapped her arms around his waist, and gone back to sleep. He requested a blanket from the flight attendant, who seemed on the verge of telling him something about Vivienne’s position in his arms before deciding against it. The attendant draped the fleecy fabric over Vivienne, while Conall pressed his seat backward until she was at a more comfortable position. That done, he looked around the plane, trying to take his mind off the fact that her breasts were pushing into his chest, and he hadn’t had her in days.

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