Ahead of him, he could see the black wolf heading in his direction. From his side, Alexander was burning a hole through him with his glare. The druid seemed torn whether he should go for him or try to help his people. The portal was closing. But whatever was behind Maximilian…had literally frozen him.

He tried to turn, but failed.

“Who are you?” He swallowed, moving his eyes from side to side in hope of finding out who held him immobile. The sound of wet grass crunching under his assailant’s feet alerted him that the person was moving. Calling on his powers, he tried to project away. Helpless. Utterly helpless.

The first thing he noticed was the pale blue skin, the next the startling electric blue of the eyes, and his hair, that ink-black color that seemed a shock to his complexion.


“Hello, Father.”

The chill going down his spine turned into a freeze. He tried to shake his son’s hold, and failed. Max had always been strong, but not this strong.

“Max, what are you doing?” He stilled the quake in his voice and added authority. “Release me immediately.”

“After all you’ve done?” Max asked softly.

There was something different about his son, and Maximilian briefly wondered if his memory had returned. He’d never heard of that happening, but had it?

“What do you mean? All I’ve done is love and protect you, son.”


“You locked me away, tortured me.”

“You gave me no choice! I didn’t want to do any of those things, Max. You’re my son, my heir.”

He broke off when something in Max’s eyes hardened. He hadn’t known. He’d baited him into revealing that.

“So you did torture me?” Max asked slowly.

“Max, you don’t understand—”

“You tortured me, and you tortured Drew.”

Maximilian’s eyes widened. That human girl who’d told him nothing. Max had escaped with her and the other warlock. “Son—”

“I am not your son.”

“Max!” His words left him in a rush as a cold seemed to reach into his body and pull something out. He closed his eyes against the blinding pain, before blinking them open once more.

Max was taking his soul. His own son….

“Don’t, Max. You won’t—be able—to live—with yourself.”

He could feel his life slipping from him. Every breath Max took was a breath lost.

“Max, I’m…your…father.”

Except for the slight narrowing of his eyes that refuted the claim, Max didn’t respond. He just continued his deep inhale.

Maximilian was almost certain of his demise when something grabbed him, a warmth to counter the coldness that was Max, and pulled him away. He collapsed against his savior, barely aware of Max’s scowl, of Conall hovering nearby to attack.

“That is enough.”

A female. A female was his savior.

Max spoke, but he couldn’t make out the words.

He was turned and Maximilian prepared to thank the woman, when recognition dawned. It couldn’t be. It wasn’t possible.

“Kill me, Max,” he said softly, trying to get away from that haunting green gaze. Centuries ago she’d sworn she would have her vengeance and that it would be sweet. But she’d been banished. “Kill me. Now!”

“Hello, Maximilian. I am only following through on a much-deserved promise.”


“Yes. I will show you the same the courtesy you showed my daughter.”


“Max, please—”

“Where you are going, no one will be able to save you.”

He shook his head, feeling it grow light. “Nicolette, no….”

In a matter of seconds, he fainted away.


He was running against time. No portal stayed open for long, and this one was slowly, but surely, closing.

Alexander looked to Cassie, who knelt over Vivienne as she held her midriff. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but her spell would have sent his people back to the forbidden realms permanently, and he could not allow that. Cronin had betrayed him, and for that, the grand wizard would pay, as soon as he did right by his people.

Moving to the pentagram, he began to chant, hoping he would be enough to permanently resurrect them. After a few moments, he recognized he wasn’t. He still needed her, and he doubted she would do anything willingly for him anymore.

Still, he tried the mental connection he had with her.


“Get out of my head!”

Though she was a distance away from him, he could hear her screech. He sighed, and shook his head.

I had no choice but to do as I did, Cassandre. Your sister would have closed the portal permanently.

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