Recite the spell.

She shook her head.

Alexander’s eyes flashed lightning for a brief moment before he said aloud, “Recite the spell or I will kill your sister!”

In that moment, Cassandre Bordeaux knew two things. She was a fool and Alexander Petraeus was either bipolar, or had a twin. Hadn’t he promised that no harm would come to her or her family yesterday? And hadn’t she wanted to believe him?

“I will never forget this.” The calmness in her voice surprised even her.

He nodded once. She began the spell once more, closing her eyes, giving her druid leeway to improvise as she saw fit. She didn’t know how long she chanted, but somewhere along the way, the rain began to fall, thunder roared, and lightning bisected the sky. The night fell away briefly in submission to the day, only to succumb once more to the darkness. Cassie chanted through it all, until her voice cracked, and her druid grew silent.

When she next opened her eyes, the portal was massive. It seemed to stretch almost a quarter of a mile, and inside it, she could make out the pale, almost ghostly faces of men, women, children, babies…. They were many, all hovering by the portal, looking expectant, hopeful.

Alexander leaned down and moved the witch away from the pentagram. He was still alive, if barely. Cassie could hear the faint beat of his heart.

Come to me, Cassandre.

Maybe it was the awe of seeing so many faces across an almost-touchable border, but she did as he asked. When they both stood inside the pentagram, he took her hand and held it out. His pale gaze locked onto hers and she briefly wondered if she saw regret in his eyes.

I am sorry.


She didn’t have time contemplate what that meant because the dagger sliced across her wrist quickly. He’d cut her! Before she could pull away or retaliate in any way, he dragged the blade across his own skin, and pressed the wound to hers. As a science buff, Cassie didn’t even want to think of how disgusting that was.

She struggled against him but he was strong.

Be still. This is necessary.

She watched in horror as their blood mingled and then fell in soft droplets onto the grass beneath them. The pentagram ignited once more, this time with a white light that glowed so brightly she had to close her eyes against it.

Behind her lids, what seemed like lightning followed by thunderbolts blasted across the sky. The wind picked up forcefully, and Cassie was glad for his hold on her. The rain pelted them briefly, and then all was silent. Cassie’s heart pounded as she stood close to him. He maintained his grip on her.

“My lord, I have fulfilled my end of the bargain. It is your turn to fulfill yours.”


Vivienne pressed her hand to her neck when Cronin released her. It came away red, as she knew it would. Because her powers were bound, her cut would not heal. She turned back to the large portal ahead of her, staring in awe at the sea of people who looked back at them. They had gained color, turning from ghostly apparitions to people of different hues, pale, tanned, darker-skinned…druids. They seemed to be speaking to each other, but she couldn’t hear them. Babies were fussing, but there was no sound. It was almost as if everything stood silent, except Maximilian Cronin.

He had spoken of a bargain, and was now approaching Alexander. The druid did not release Cassie, but turned to face him.

“You have fulfilled most of your end of the bargain, Cronin. While visible, my people have still not been returned to this world.” His voice was cold and clear, and Vivienne looked from him to Cronin. Her mother had told her Alexander was evil, and she’d watched in horror as the man cut Cassandre. The only thing that kept her sane was the knowledge that Cassie would heal quickly once her chains were removed.

“Yes, my lord, but it is fair to say that the druids will be resurrected. I have gathered enough of the grand wizards that it will happen. If you release us of your curse, we will have powers enough to hasten this process for your people.”

Alexander remained still for a few moments and then he released Cassie. As soon as her sister stepped away, the cut healed.

“I always abide by my word, once given.”

Dipping his head, Maximilian replied, “As do I, my lord.”

The druid nodded once, and then he began chanting. It was not Latin, but apparently a mixture of languages he used. Everyone seemed transfixed by the chanting druid as he spoke, until the witches began to struggle. It started with low moans, and turned to deep screams.

Vivienne looked around, trying to see behind the force field Alexander had created.

What was he doing?

Cronin doubled over, and still Alexander chanted. Cassie began to scream at him, and Vivienne noticed that the other grand wizards followed suit, doubling over, some falling to the grass in pain. She didn’t know how long it went on, but the screams around her seemed to last forever.

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