
“You look pale, Lucian. Perhaps you’d like to feed before we speak,” Verenus commented, taking a seat on the plush red sofa and casting sharp eyes on Lucian.

“I am a vampire. Pale is my genetics.” His response was quick and easy as Lucian walked over to the decanter on the other side of the palatial room he called an office.

He was pale because the newest member of his coven had almost drained him, and like a fool, he’d almost let her. He’d been captivated by her mouth on his wrist, and before he knew what was happening, his heart was slowing and he was growing lethargic from blood loss. Although she’d survived the change, she would still be weak for the first month. As such, he would have to feed her with his blood during that time. “What will you have?”


“You haven’t changed since France, mon frère.” They had been friends for many centuries. Verenus had come to Lucian’s aide many times over, saving his life, his reputation, and Lucian had done the same. They could not be closer had they been born of the same female.

“Why should I? It is the nectar of the gods.”

“So you say.”

Lucian handed him a glass filled with the liquid before leaning against his desk and waiting.

“You won’t drink with me?”

“My drink of choice is not yet ready.” Verenus flashed him a knowing look before taking a sip of his brandy. Not seconds later, a knock sounded and a female vampire sauntered in holding a glass filled to the brim with red liquid. She handed it to Lucian with a slight dip of her head before retreating.


Passing a look to his friend, he lifted it. “The true nectar of the gods.”

As soon as the glass touched his lips, he tipped it back and quickly drank the warm liquid. Fresh human blood. While vampires required the blood of their own kind to survive, there was something uniquely delicious about the blood of a human with no drugs or alcohol in her system. While it wasn’t something to be indulged frequently—it wasn’t potent enough to keep an ancient vampire filled—it was very tasty.

“Your color is returning,” Verenus chimed drolly from his seat.

Placing the empty glass on the table, Lucian crossed his arms and surveyed Verenus with narrowed eyes. “To what do I owe this pleasure, Verenus? In the age of technology, no one ever visits unless it’s something drastic.”

A little grimace touched Verenus’s lips and he nodded once. “The Council has been disbanded.”

Lucian arched a brow. “Do we know why?” He was surprised it had taken so many years for it to happen. The Council meetings had become less productive over the years and more of a place for different races to vent against each other.

“Not from Agar, and Keitaro has heard nothing. I received a call from Malachi today.” Malachi Edelson was a vampire coven leader on the British Council. “He says there is an influx of witches in London right now. In his words, they’re swarming the city.”

“Does he know why?”

“No, but he did say that while the witches are swarming, the werewolves aren’t far behind.”

Eyes narrowing, Lucian asked, “Athelwulf and Cronin?”

“It’s possible.”

“Over the two witch sisters?”

Verenus shrugged his shoulders and tossed back the brandy in the glass. “Another possibility. Malachi has alerted the other clans and they are watching them.”

“How interesting that they would leave for London, presumably with the two sisters.”

Standing, Verenus replied, “I thought so as well.”

“I’ll call Athelwulf.”

“I did that already. I was informed by Sloan that he was indisposed.”

Lucian frowned. “Indisposed?”

“Yes. I took it to mean out of the country.”

When Lucian simply arched a brow, Verenus continued, “Like you, I wondered why. Since no answer is immediately available, I started guessing. I believe it has something to do with the two witches, and whatever it is, it’s much bigger than Cronin and Athelwulf. Especially if Malachi is reporting the number of witches tripled within the course of a day, and the wolves weren’t far behind.”

“What are you proposing?”

Verenus’s eyes locked on his. “I think it’s time for my vacation, so I’ll be leaving for London within the hour.”

Lucian smirked. “Vacation?”

“Yes. Even vampires need them. I don’t know how long I’ll be there.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep watch on your coven.”

“Good. I already discussed this with Keitaro, so between the two of you, I expect nothing serious will happen when I’m gone.” He stood. “I’ll inform you when I find out what is going on over there.”

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