Cassie began to struggle, and Vivienne felt a burning at her wrists and ankles, where the shackles held Cassie.

Don’t listen to him, Vivienne. It’s a trap.

“The choice is yours, Vivienne.” His voice lowered. “If you love your family, you’ll do the right thing.”

Vivienne, pull away from me, now. He’s lying. Please, Vivienne, don’t—

A shattering pain erupted in her ear, and Vivienne jumped up and found herself back in Conall’s bedroom. He’d hit her sister. Maximilian Cronin had hit her sister hard enough for Cassie to lose consciousness.

There was a knock on the door. Breathing harshly, Vivienne called out, “Yes?”

“Are you okay, Vivienne?” It was Sloan.

She nodded and then remembered he couldn’t see her. “Yes, I’m fine.” Guessing she must have screamed or yelled, she rushed to add, “I was having a bad dream.”

The beta said nothing for long moments, and Vivienne wondered if he was contemplating entering the room. She held her breath, until finally, she heard his footsteps moving away.

Vivienne was up in an instant, pulling off Conall’s large T-shirt, and dressing to go into the cold night. She threw on a dark sweater with a hood, so she could cover her head if need be. Turning off the bedroom light, she inched her way to the windows and peered outside. Conall had left instructions for an hourly patrol, so most of the pack was awake.

Closing her eyes, Vivienne projected herself behind the house. She looked around quickly. Her ears picked up the sound of someone approaching, and she recited a spell that would render her invisible to an untrained eye, before flashing herself to the middle of the makeshift forest. She continued until she was at the end, and then easily scaled the fence there, and launched herself into the woods. She didn’t know how long she ran, but she ran, applying bursts of speed where necessary, and stopping only briefly to catch large gulps of air.


Making it to the highway, she stood close to the road, and waited. She couldn’t believe she was hitchhiking, but then again, she couldn’t believe a lot of things. Like the fact she was sneaking out of Cedar Creek, away from Conall, to meet Cronin. It was not the best idea but it was the only one she currently had. Conall would have to understand. She had to do whatever it took to save her mother and sister.

Numerous cars drove by without acknowledging her, and Vivienne began to second-guess the whole hitchhiking thing. Maybe she should have just taken Conall’s car, but how would she have explained that to Sloan? The beta might be quiet, but he wasn’t stupid.

She’d been standing at the side of the road for almost twenty minutes when a bright yellow light briefly blinded her, and a Harley-Davidson slowed and pulled up beside her.

Vivienne tensed immediately as she picked up his scent. He was a were, and probably of Conall’s pack. Had they sent out search teams for her?

Removing his helmet, Rafael passed her an easy grin. “Haven’t you had enough excitement for the day?”

She didn’t answer him. Just remained deathly still, watching, waiting. How had he known where she was? And would he try to take her back?

“So, you’re finally running away from the leader of the pack? Can’t blame you for coming to your senses.” His grin grew larger, and she saw his eyes run down her body before lifting once more to her face. “Where you headin’?”

Now Vivienne had a dilemma. She was being offered a ride to her destination, but the person offering it was Rafael, a probable murderer and Conall’s arch-nemesis.

“I don’t bite, Vivienne. Not unless you want me to.” After letting that sink in, he continued, “And from that show you put on today, I should be the one afraid of you, not the other way around.” Rafael paused and glanced down at the watch on his wrist. Vivienne didn’t have to look to know that it was leather. Lots of leather. The were seemed to be particular about it. He was an anti-ad for PETA if she ever had seen one. “I’m also runnin’ late, so you’re gonna have to make up your mind quick. Where’re you going?” He reached behind him and grabbed a spare helmet, presenting it to her.

As soon as her fingers closed around the smooth, round outer surface, Vivienne knew she’d made a decision. Once she got there, she wouldn’t care who’d taken her to that airport.

“LaGuardia,” she told him as she quickly placed the helmet atop her head, and slid onto the bike behind him.

“Wrap your arms around me, darlin’,” he said over his shoulder as he re-seated his helmet and revved the engine on the Harley.

Vivienne did as she was told, holding tight as Rafael eased his way back onto the highway, and sped down the lane.

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