“Good night, Vivienne.”

After shooting him all sorts of glares, she walked across the distance to the front door, and stepped inside. Moving over to the window, she noticed he continued to stare at the house for long moments, until finally he turned away and headed in the direction from which he’d come.

Strange, she thought, removing her fleece and heading up the stairs to the bathroom. A shower and phone-call-to-Zahira later, and she was curled under the thick duvet of Conall’s bed, his pillow clutched firmly to her body as she pitched headlong into a deep and relaxing sleep.


Vivienne awoke to find the pillow missing and her body warmly cocooned against Conall’s naked chest. She breathed deep, taking his scent into her, and smiled. The last thing she remembered doing last night was cuddling with his pillow. He must have come in sometime after. She was about to stretch when the events from the previous day came rushing back to her. God, she’d been a bitch to him. Her mood seemed to have lifted considerably with a full night of sleep. She wondered if he was angry with her.

Shifting slightly, she was about to detangle herself from his body when something hard pushed into her belly. Lifting her gaze to his face, she watched for the flicker of an eyelid, for his breathing to change. Any sign that he was awake. He wasn’t.

Moving her hand down his chest, she softly ran her fingers over what had to be his morning erection. Vivienne bit back a little giggle at the thought. Morning wood. When they were younger, and had just learned of the male anatomy, she and Cassie had had a running joke about the weird body of boys and their morning ‘woods.’ And every time someone said the word “wood”, they would giggle.

Vivienne enclosed what she could of her hand around him. Conall made a sound at the back of his throat and clutched her tighter against him, but he still he didn’t wake. She ran her hand up and down the length of him, gasping in shock when she tried to enclose the base of his cock. It was big, much bigger than the rest of him.

Excitement rushed through her as she pulled her hand back up, and slowly caressed him. She’d taken it—all of it—inside her, on numerous occasions.

Releasing him briefly, she detangled herself from the duvet and pushed it back, revealing his naked body, perfectly sculptured and marble-hard, lying in wait for her ministrations. Shifting on the bed, she pulled out of his arms and crawled down his body. And what a beautiful body it was. It took everything in her not to run her tongue across the inky black of the tattoo over his chest, to not flatten her tongue over his nipple and lap until it formed a slight bud, but that was for another day. Today, was for something different.

When she was eye-level with his sex, in the early morning light, Vivienne smiled and placed a quick kiss to the underside. Lifting her head, she watched his face. Still sleeping. Calling upon all the gossip, magazines, and movies she’d ever been privy to, she lifted his heavy length into her hand, and slowly licked the tip. He shifted, hips pumping up, and she licked him again, this time taking a few inches into her mouth.


An involuntary moan escaped her lips. Was he supposed to taste this good? Like dark spices.

A deep and masculine groan disturbed the silence in which she worked, and Vivienne knew he’d awoken. Keeping him in her mouth, she looked up to his face, only to find he was blinking down at her, his expression a cross between sleepy and needy. Using her other hand, she cupped his sac, which brought a low growl from his lips. Her nipples tightened at the sound.

You like that? she teased into his mind, cupping them again.

“Vivienne….” It was a warning, a warning she wasn’t heeding. She wanted this. She wanted to pleasure him in this way. Increasing the suction of her mouth, she took him in as far as she could, lifting her head every so often to watch his face.

A loud groan erupted from him and then his hand slipped into her hair. She moved her mouth faster, releasing him only to place long licks along the sides of his cock, only to suck him back into her mouth.

He came shortly after, calling her name as his fingers tightened almost painfully on her hair. She didn’t mind, and felt oddly sated at his orgasm.

Conall pulled her up immediately, his lips claiming hers, keeping her distracted for the next minutes. When he finally released them, she was breathing hard, and had almost forgotten what it was she’d meant to say.

That was my apology for yesterday, she managed. Her breath still hadn’t returned so she couldn’t speak aloud.

A low laugh escaped his lips, and he continued laughing for a long while. From atop his chest, Vivienne lifted her head and stared down at him, a smile forming on her own lips. “What? Didn’t you like my apology?”

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