It made it a hell of a lot easier filling out paperwork in a designated area than trying to hunt down some counter space, or worse, using the stretcher. As long as they kept this room clean the hospital was happy to let them use it.

"I might if you buy me a Coke," he said, filling in the narrative section on the run sheet.

"You drive a hard bargain," she said, sighing as she purchased a twenty ounce bottle of Coke and placed it in front of him. "Okay, spill. What happened to our third rider?"

He opened the bottle and took a sip as Joe sat on his left leg and put her arm around his neck. His arm automatically went around her waist as he considered how to answer her question.

"I believe I mentioned that he went for a walk," he said, feeling his lips twitch from the memory.

"Yes, you said that," she agreed as she stole his soda and took a sip.

"Did I mention that I discovered the reason why he was acting so damn cocky?" he asked offhandedly as he took the soda back from her and took a sip.

"No," she said, pursing up her lips in thought. "I'm pretty sure I would have remembered that part."

"Do you remember USG Ambulance?" he asked, knowing that she already did.

"That ambulance company you interviewed with a few years ago?" she asked, shifting to get more comfortable on his leg.

"Well, it seems that he interviewed with them last week and had his uncle put in a good word for him. It seems that he was just waiting for their call," he said absently as he ran his eyes over her, appreciating the way her uniform fit her.


"I'm guessing he got it while I was talking to Beverly," she surmised, giving him a sexy little smile even as she gently cupped his chin and forced his eyes up.

"Apparently they're convinced that he only needs to do their two day requirement of ride along before they put him to work," he said, wondering if she'd be up to hunting down an empty hall closet and fulfilling another one of his fantasies.

"So he just walked out?" she asked, frowning in adorable confusion.

"More or less," Eric admitted with a mumble.

Her eyes narrowed on him. "What did you do?"

He blinked innocently. "I didn't do anything," he lied.

"Uh huh," she said, obviously not believing him as she stood up and stole his soda and walked back over to the vending machine to pick out a snack.

"Did somebody at least call dispatch and let them know that he quit?" she asked as she counted out enough change for a package of peanut butter cups.

"He called Bill," Eric said, not mentioning that the little bastard demanded that Joe and he bring him back to the station. He calmed the little prick down by arranging a ride for him. One that took him to the middle of nowhere and forced the little prick to walk ten miles to the nearest gas station, but he decided it was best not to mention that or the fact that the guys may have decided to give Greg a farewell gift by making it easy for him to return his uniform. So the ass**le was probably walking along Madison Road at this very moment in his boxers and boots.

But Joe really didn't need to know about that.

He finished up his report and headed for the door, pausing only long enough to give her a quick kiss and swipe the candy bar out of her hand. When she swatted him on the ass he simply ignored it as he finished off her chocolate. Why did the food he stole from Joe always taste so damn good? he wondered as he reached out and stole back his soda. He ignored her muttered promises to kick his ass and dropped his run sheet off at the nurse's station on his way out to the ambulance bay.

"I'll clear us with dispatch since you're still enjoying my snack," she said, shooting him a look that promised all kinds of pain for his poor wallet.

If he wasn't head over heels in love with this woman he'd consider dropping her for her gold digging ways. But he did love her so he was probably going to have to suck it up and treat her to the dollar menu at McDonalds.


"Did you call 911?" Joe asked as she bent down to look into the adorable little boy's face.

"Yes," he said, nodding.

"Is someone hurt?" she asked, looking around the front porch and yard and not seeing anyone. Eric walked past her and looked through the window.

"Yes," the little boy who couldn't be older than five said, gesturing towards the backyard.

With a slight nod, Eric jumped over the porch railing and headed into the backyard.

"Can you tell me what happened?" she asked the little boy, deciding it was best to keep him here until Eric let her know what they were dealing with. If it was something this little boy shouldn't be seeing she was going to have to call over one of the neighbors that were now watching them to come over and watch him until they could get the police to come and handle the boy.

"Roger hurt Toby really bad," the little boy said with his little chin wobbling.

"Where's your mommy and daddy, buddy?" she asked soothingly.

"They're out. I was s'posed to be with Uncle Charlie, but I didn't like leaving Roger and Toby by themselves so I came back," he admitted, shuffling his feet nervously.

"Does your Uncle Charlie know where you are?" she asked, guessing it wouldn't be very long before the man in question showed up or the police did.

The little boy shook his head stubbornly. "No, he doesn't want me to play with Roger. He thinks Roger is bad."

"What's your name?" she asked, already noting the name Henderson on the mailbox.


"Okay, Caleb. I need to call my dispatcher and have him call your uncle. Do you know your uncle's phone number?"

He nodded.

"What is it?'

He squished up his face in thought. "It has a five in it."


"Do you know where your uncle lives?"

"Uh huh," he said, wiping his nose on the back of his arm.

"Can you tell me?" she asked patiently as she pulled her cell phone out and started to scroll down until she found dispatch's phone number.

"That way," Caleb said, pointing in no particular direction that really helped her.

Biting back a sigh she dialed dispatch.

"Dispatch," Hank said in way of answer. If she'd called the emergency line he would have told her that the line was being recorded, but thankfully she didn't have to deal with that.

"Hey, Hank, it's Joe. Um, I have a Caleb Henderson at that call you sent us on. Has anyone by chance called looking for him?" she asked, wondering what was taking Eric so long. He should have at least given her a head's up by now.

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