Joe and Eric stilled. Slowly, they turned around and sure enough there was Greg vomiting all over a dead bush.

Joe sighed heavily as Eric asked on a drawn out sigh, "Why must you embarrass us? At least aim for the perp on the ground."

Chapter 3

"How's your stomach?" Joe asked. Eric didn't miss the slight twitch of her lips.

Greg' face reddened. "It's fine. Just something I ate I think," he said quickly.

"Uh huh," Eric said, trying not to laugh. The guy puked at all six calls they had. Five hours on the job and the kid still hadn't said one word to a patient. He ended up vomiting every single time they arrived on scene. Then he'd sit up front for the drive to the hospital and remain there sipping a water or ginger ale.

It would suck for Greg, but there was no way Eric or Joe could sign off on this ride along. The kid wouldn't be getting any credit for this. No doubt Greg would try and argue it to death, but Eric wasn't budging. Yeah it sucked to have to do more ride alongs, but it couldn't be helped. Eric wasn't about to put some patient's life on the line for anything.

"Alright, gentlemen," she looked at Eric, "and I use that term loosely. I'm going to catch a few winks." She stepped around them and headed into the fire house.

"I think I should lie down, too," Greg said. Eric didn't miss the look the guy was sending Joe's ass. It also hadn't escaped his notice that Greg swore up and down that he wasn't tired and was going to hang out with the guys until he found out that the three of them shared a bunk room. Once he knew he'd be sleeping in the same room with Joe the guy started up with the fake yawns.

Joe might be one of the toughest woman he'd ever known, but that didn't mean he stood by and left her to handle shit like this. He never had and never would. As much as it got Joe's panties in a bunch when he stepped in and played her protector, he wouldn't stop.

She might think of herself as one of the guys, but she wasn't. Joe was a beautiful woman with beautiful hair, killer eyes, and a sexy little smile that drove men nuts. It didn't hurt that she had a killer body, not that she thought so. It really killed him that she didn't know how hot she was. If you tried to tell her she'd laugh her ass off. She was the most down to earth woman he'd ever known. If she wasn't his best friend......


There really was no point in finishing that thought. She was and it was his job as the man in her life to kick the living shit out of any ass**le that hurt her. With that in mind he followed the overeager puppy as he drooled after Joe to the back rooms.

"There are only two beds, Greg. You'll have to throw some blankets on the floor between the beds or go see if there's a spot on the couch," Joe explained apologetically as she unlaced her black boots.

Greg eyed the small space between the two beds and fought a smile. He'd be sleeping inches from Joe. Not f**king happening. Eric eyed his unmade bed with his old sleeping bag thrown on top of it and then Joe's. He smiled. Ah, god love her, Joe always put comfort first. There was no sleeping bag for Joe, oh no, not for his Joe. Her bed was already made with what he knew were clean high count cotton sheets, a down comforter and an extra firm pillow.

Joe pulled off her light blue uniform shirt, leaving her in a very tight white tank top. He could easily see the light baby pink sports bra she wore underneath. Out of the corner of his eyes he caught Greg licking his lips as he stared at her chest and as usual Joe was completely oblivious.

Why did she have to make his job so f**king difficult?

"Greg, you can have my bunk," he said.

"Really?" Greg said, looking even more excited. No doubt the man thought he was about to be left alone with Joe all night, in the dark.

"Yup, it's all yours," he said.

"Cool. Thanks," Greg said quickly, taking his boots off and then he chucked his shirt, making sure to flex to show off his flat stomach and slight build.

Joe mumbled goodnight around a yawn and climbed onto her bed. Greg climbed onto the other bed, keeping his gaze firmly locked on Joe.

"What happens if we get a call?" he asked absently.

Eric gestured to the white phone on the wall above Joe's bed. "A really annoying sound will go off and that phone will ring."

"Oh, okay. If we don't hear it will you come wake us up?" Greg asked, still staring at Joe.

"Oh, that won't be necessary," Eric said, pulling off his boots.

"What are you doing?" Greg asked.

"Getting ready for bed. What does it look like?" Eric asked, not bothering to hide his smile at the man's obvious disappointment.


He yanked his shirt up over his head and made sure he flexed his much larger muscles. Stupid, but it was a guy thing. He needed to put the scrawny little bastard in his place.

"Where are you sleeping?" Greg asked nervously.

"We're double bunking of course," he said, grinning.

Greg' eyes widened and Eric could have sworn the man was ready to bolt. He reached out and flicked off the light, leaving them in total darkness.

"Ah," Greg swallowed loudly, "that's really not necessary I don't mind taking the floor."

"Oh, I don't mind," Eric said. Just for shits and giggles he pressed his foot on Greg' mattress and pushed down, making the guy think he was about to have company.

The guy actually squealed. In ten seconds flat Greg was off the bed, the door was thrown open, and he was making a mad dash to safety, leaving Eric laughing his ass off.

"Oh, that wasn't very nice," Joe said, her voice thick with humor.

He sighed heavily. "Yeah, but it sure did put a smile on my face." He closed the door and walked over to Joe's bed and climbed in behind her.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" Joe demanded even as she scooted forward to make room for him.

"Going to bed. What does it look like?" he asked, throwing an arm over her waist.

"There's a freshly vacated bed right over there," she said sleepily.

"I like this one better. It's comfy," he said, snuggling up against her.

She groaned. "Eric, we're not kids anymore. Go sleep in your own bed."

"Ah, too late, I'm already drifting off," he said, biting back a chuckle as she poked him.



"If you snore in my ear I'm gonna have to kill you," she pointed out.

"Duly noted," he said, closing his eyes and snuggling closer to her. He knew she was only busting his balls. Ever since they were kids they'd been very touchy feely. They snuggled, they cuddled, she sat on his lap, he normally threw his arm over her shoulders when they were just sitting around or walking, hell they even skinny dipped a few times.

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