"To kick your ass," she snapped.

That slow sexy grin of his did not affect her. It didn't. She also didn't care that he looked as exhausted as she felt or that she was happy to see him. Nothing mattered except that he'd discarded her and spent the entire remainder of their shift acting like nothing happened. That pissed her off. Then he added insult to injury by brushing her off so that he wouldn't have to deal with her.

Well, now he was going to do deal with her because she was so ready to kick his-

Her thoughts sort of drifted off when he grabbed the back of her neck and leaned down and kissed every last coherent thought out of her head. She was barely aware of him guiding her back into the house or when he shut her door and locked it. All of her attention at the moment was on his mouth and the way he was kissing her breathless.

When he finally stopped kissing her, and she wanted to kick his ass for that alone, her mind began to clear and she remembered that she was angry with him. Who the hell did he think he was treating her like that? she wondered as she pushed him away.

"I take it you're mad at me," he noted with a sigh.

"You could say that," she snapped, crossing her arms beneath her br**sts as she glared at him and waited for the typical Eric response to any form of female drama. When he didn't give her some lame ass excuse like giving her time to calm down and a promise to call later she was a bit surprised.

"Look," he said, running both of his hands down his face in frustration, "I know I shouldn't be here and that I should be giving you some time to sort through things, but I couldn't stay away."

Her eyes narrowed on him. "You were giving me time?" she asked, not even bothering to hide disbelief in her tone.

"Well, that and I got held over for two hours after you left," he said, sounding miserable as sat down on the arm of her couch.

"Why did you get held over?" she asked, inwardly wincing when she realized that he must have covered for her. Although it wasn't a rule at their station, if dispatch was looking for them and there was only one of them there putting away the truck they could get pissed.


"I had to do a favor for Bill."

"What favor?" she asked, leaning back against the wall to put some space between them. It was a little disconcerting that she couldn't think rationally with him in the room. All she could think about was running her fingers through his hair and over his body.

What in the hell was wrong with her?

She should still be focused on kicking his ass, but she couldn't stay mad at him. It was a weakness that she really needed to work on, but later.

"He asked me to go over all of the equipment with Greg," he said around a yawn.

"Greg?" she asked, surprised that he was still around. He rode the truck daily for what must have been two weeks and not one of those shifts counted towards his training time.

He gave her a firm nod that told her he wasn't too happy about the situation. "It seems he has an uncle on the City Council who called in a favor. He's claiming that Greg was just a little nervous and would like Bill to give him another chance so guess who's getting a third rider for the next two weeks," he said dryly.

"Us," she said, biting back a groan.

"Mmmhmm," he said absently as he ran his eyes over her. "And the best part of course is that somehow the little bastard is even cockier."

This time she didn't bother biting back her groan. She knew the man was going to be trying to save face by acting like it was no big deal, but that was going to make their jobs a hell of a lot harder. It also meant that he was probably going to ignore whatever they tried to show him. It should be a fun two weeks, she thought dryly.

"You were coming to kick my ass?" he asked, drawing her attention back to their problem.

"Maybe," she said, shrugging it off like it was nothing.

"In only my old t-shirt and panties?" he asked, running hungry eyes over her.

She felt a blush burn its way up her neck when she realized that she had been seconds away from storming outside like this to go kick his ass, but not because she was wearing a t-shirt and panties, but because she was only wearing a t-shirt.

Something in her expression must have given her away because that sexy bad boy grin that she loved so much suddenly graced his face. He crooked a finger in her direction. "Come here."

She just barely stopped herself from doing just that. With a snort she shook her head. "I'm not your bitch. You come here," she snapped, stubbornly crossing her arms over her chest even tighter, mostly to hide her nerves.

This was such a bad idea. Was she really thinking about tackling him, bringing him down to the ground, ripping his clothes off and licking his body from head to toe before she had her dirty little way with him?

Yes, yes she was.

Before she could rethink her plan or add a few things here and there to prolong her enjoyment, he was pushing off the arm of the couch and was standing in front of her. He placed his forearm against the wall by her head as he leaned in.

"Are you wearing panties, Joe?" he asked in a seductively dark whisper that had her licking her lips.

"Shouldn't we talk about this?" she asked, avoiding his question.

"About your panties?" he asked teasingly as he gently laid his other hand on her hip.

"No," she said, trying not to smile, "about what we're doing here. We need to talk, Eric."

"Okay," he said, slowly nodding his agreement as he leaned down to press a kiss to the tip of her nose. "Well, first I'm going to see if you're wearing any underwear. Then I'd thought we start living out every fantasy I've ever had about you, starting of course with the ones I had in high school. Then I thought we'd make up a few together," he said, pressing a line of kisses to her mouth before he brushed his lips teasingly against hers.

Her hands tightened around his shoulders in response to the very carnal visuals that were now running through her head. When she put her hands on his shoulders she had no idea, but she wasn't willing to let him go out of fear that her trembling legs would give out.

"That's not what I meant," she said weakly even as she tilted her head to the side to give him better access to her neck as he licked and kissed his way down.

"You don't want to live out a few fantasies?" he asked against her neck as his hand slid from her hip, down her thigh until it went past the edge of her t-shirt and them moved up under the t-shirt. His warm hand moved up her bare skin until it was once again resting on her bare hip.

Yes, she really did. In fact she had about a hundred fantasies that she would love to live out with him. "We'll talk afterwards?" she asked, gasping when his hand moved to her bottom.

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