He reached for her pants button when he heard her front door open. They both went completely still.

"Joe? Look, I can't stand you being mad at me so I brought you another milkshake."

The moment he pulled away from her, reality crashed in over them like a bucket of cold water and they both realized they'd just f**ked up.

Chapter 16

"Are you going to share that with me?" Nathan asked, pouting.

"No," she said, sighing as she took a big bite out of her fried dough. She didn't really want it, but she needed something to do in order to distract herself from the colossal mess she'd made out of her life.

"Cheap," Nathan mumbled, throwing her a little pout that had her rolling her eyes.

"You can have some of mine, Nathan," Caitlyn said, smiling sweetly up at Nathan.

"Thank you," Nathan said, looking a little uncomfortable as he accepted a bite of her fried dough. Caitlyn must have noticed it too, because her smile slipped a notch.

She just barely stopped herself from slapping him upside his head. What the hell was wrong with him? Caitlyn was smart, funny, sweet and kind and he was pushing her away. He did this so often that she knew the signs by heart now.

Right now he was distancing himself from Caitlyn and in a week she'd be gone from the picture. In another month or two he'd find another woman that was just as perfect for him and he'd be happy until whatever stupid notion he allowed to take over his common sense had him pushing that one away too. She wanted to scream at him and slap some sense into him, but she honestly didn't know where to start.


"I-I'm going to go get a drink. Does anyone else want one?" Caitlyn asked, shifting uncomfortably.

"No, thank you," Joe said, throwing Caitlyn what she hoped was a warm smile.

"I'm all set," Nathan said absently as he watched the teams of firefighters run a relay race with rolled up hoses.

"Okay," Caitlyn said softly as she turned and walked away.

"Do we need to send you to therapy?" she asked when Caitlyn was out of hearing distance.

He frowned down at her. "No. Why?"

She rolled her eyes as she gestured towards Caitlyn's retreating back. Nathan followed her gesture and sighed.

"It's just not working out," he said with a shrug.

"Then tell her that instead of dragging this out. It's not fair to her."

"I will," was all he said and she had to ball her hands into fists to stop herself from choking some sense into him. What the hell was wrong with him that he couldn't even see what was right in front of him? How the hell could he push someone who was obviously perfect for him away like that?

The man needed his ass kicked. That's really all there was to it.

"What's going on with you two?" Nathan asked, gesturing towards the row of ambulances lined up for the EMS competition. She spotted Eric leaning against the ambulance, shirtless of course, talking to an equally shirtless Dave, the EMT that took her spot, but the sight of Dave didn't send her heart racing, make her palms sweat or confuse the hell out of her.

After their momentary lapse in sanity he hadn't said one single word to her. He simply stepped away from her and went to her bedroom to get dressed, leaving her sitting on the table, confused, aching and furious. Of course the milkshake Nathan brought her had helped calm her down. It really was too bad they weren't selling them here because she could really use one right about now.

By the time Eric reappeared he was dressed and wouldn't make eye contact with her for which she'd been immensely grateful. She'd never been more embarrassed in her life than in that moment. He kissed her and what had she done? She'd turned into Super Ho and practically swallowed his tongue and rubbed against him.

She still couldn't believe it happened and if there was any doubt in her mind then the way her ni**les tightened and tingled every time she thought of him was proof enough. It didn't help that she couldn't stop thinking about him and what almost happened. It didn't matter that she'd always been attracted to him. He was her best friend and she didn't want to lose that.

When he kissed her she should have put a stop to it and pulled away and laughed it off like she did when they were fourteen. But had she done that? Oh no, not her. She practically swallowed his tongue and was seconds away from begging him to screw her on the kitchen table before Nathan thankfully came by.

Now they weren't talking. They'd never gone a day without talking, but not one word from him over the past three days. Then again she wasn't exactly reaching out and trying to connect with him either. For the past of couple of days she'd been screening all her calls and avoiding all his usual haunts. If Nathan and Caitlyn hadn't showed up and bugged the hell out of her until she gave in and let them drag her here to the Fireman's Muster she'd still be avoiding him.

"You're not still mad at him, are you?" Nathan asked, thankfully drawing her attention back to him before Eric saw that she was watching him. The last thing she needed was for Eric to think that she thought that kiss meant something when it clearly didn't.

Not at all.

She barely even thought about it or how good it felt to be in his arms. It was the furthest thing from her mind. Of course she also wasn't curious about what would have happened if Nathan hadn't showed up or wondered if it would have been good. She didn't, because that would be counterproductive when she was trying to forget it ever happened and figure out a way to act like it never happened.

"Everything's fine, Nathan," she said with a shrug.

"Really? Is that why he won't even look this way and you haven't gone over there to kick his ass for getting you kicked out of the competition?" he asked, throwing his arm around her shoulders and gave her a gentle pull until she was walking with him towards the food vendors.

"It's just a simple misunderstanding. It's nothing," she explained as they stepped in line, hoping he'd let it go. Thankfully by some miracle he did.

"I'm starving. What are you buying me?" he demanded as he gestured towards the two man team working the grills.

"Nothing. You kidnapped me. That means you feed me."

"I guess I'm not up to date on my kidnapping etiquette."

"Guess not," she said, feeling her lips twitch in amusement. "You'll have to work on that."

"I guess so."

"Hey, Joe!" a familiar voice suddenly yelled.

She looked past Nathan to see Johnny, an EMT from the 505, waving to get her attention. "We need a patient. You interested?"

Was she? Yes, yes she was. The fact that she'd be helping the competition beat Eric didn't hurt. She was still pretty pissed about being kicked out of the Muster and after all this weirdness was behind them she fully planned on kicking his ass for screwing her over like this.

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