“And I missed it, didn’t I?”

“I—” But just as I’m about to tell her, there’s a knock on the door.

“Grace?” Kristi asks from the other side. “Can I come in?”

“One second,” she says back and then she pushes me away and we both sit up. “Are you going to stay?” she asks me with her sad blue eyes.

“I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”

She leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. It’s just a quick kiss, one that you’d give someone who is familiar to you. A peck really. But I swear to God, that kiss means everything to me. It’s like an invitation into her world. It’s like forgiveness and promise all wrapped up together. It’s like… a fresh start.

“I’ve been a bitch and I’m sorry.”

“Grace, please. I can’t have you apologizing right now. It will tear me up if I have to listen to you apologize. It’s not your fault.”

She gives me a solemn nod and then we get up. She smooths her t-shirt and squares her shoulders to prepare herself for the world once she answers the door.

Kristi is on the other side of the door looking sheepish. “Can I come in?”


“Of course.”

“OK, ladies, I’m going to step outside and make a phone call while you chat.” I give Grace’s shoulder a squeeze of support and exit the room, walking far enough away so that my voice doesn’t carry. I speed-dial Conner. “Anything?” I ask.

“No,” he replies. “Not so far, anyway. But I’m not optimistic and neither is Felicity.”

“So what’s that mean? He’s savvy in this computer stuff? Tray can plop a laptop down with a video for us to watch and we can’t get any info off it?”

“Pretty much means we’re dealing with someone smart and calculating.”

“Which he obviously is. Grace just admitted two things to me. He wore a mask, so she has no idea what he looks like. And he did some kind of brainwashing on her, trying to make her believe she was sold to him by her father.”

“What a sick fuck.”

“Tell me about it.”

“OK, well… we need more details. Do you think she’ll tell you anything else?”

“I’m not prepared to ask her, Conner. Not yet. I think it’s a bad idea to expect her to be forthcoming after all this time. She needs to make that decision herself. I’m not letting her out of my sight. We’re flying home to LA tonight and I’m keeping her there until we know more.”

“What if she refuses to stay with you? What then?”

“I’m already on it. Been on that for weeks in fact. She will either be with me or under constant surveillance.”

“She’s not going to like that.”

“Maybe not, but she has no say. It’s done. Call me if you find anything, otherwise I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He says goodbye and I press end just as Grace and Kristi come out of the room all smiles and laughter.

Kristi is overflowing with excitement. “Johnny and I are going to get married today after all. Here!” she says.

“Kristi, that’s wonderful. Congratulations.”

Kristi looks up at me with surprise. I’m a little surprised myself. I have never talked to a friend of a girlfriend before. I mean, I really haven’t had a girlfriend like Grace before. But I’m tired of being that man. I want to be the Vaughn Asher Grace saw me as before we met. I want real relationships and that starts with making real friends. “If you don’t mind, I’ll stay by Grace’s side. I’m afraid I can’t let her out of my sight until we know what’s going on.”

“Of course. And you don’t need to change, Grace. Just hang out and relax. Your phone call to the hotel to get things moved over here worked like a charm. Thank you.”

“God, I so don’t deserve that. I’m the one who ruined your wedding in the first place.”

“Grace, stop. You asked me all the right questions. Questions I never wanted to face. And in the end I thought them through and decided Johnny and I are good together. I love him. He loves me. And we’re having a baby. So I really owe you a debt.”

They have a little personal girl moment and I walk back into the room and start collecting Grace’s things. There’s a plastic bag in the closet, so I stuff her blue dress from last night in there and twist up the ends. By that time Kristi is gone and Grace is sitting on the bed.

“Are you OK?”

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” she asks. “About the moments we had last night? Because I’d really like to hear about them.”

I pull her up off the bed and hug her close. “I’ll tell you, but under one condition.”

“What?” she asks, warily.

“You come spend the night at my house in LA tonight.”

She raises her eyebrows at me. “You’re serious?”

“Totally serious.” I’m not sure if she wants to argue with me about this or not, but I’m not ready to give in. So I give her more. “Grace, I’ve never had a woman at my house. Felicity and I bought this house together after I adopted her, and I told myself then and there, no women. But you’re different. I want you to be the first woman to come to my house and I want you to spend the night.”

“Won’t Felicity be mad?”

“No, sweets. She understands how I feel about you, even if you don’t just yet. I know that last night we were playing a little game with the word like, but I don’t just like you, Grace. I’m falling in love with you. I am, I can’t help it. I’m falling in love with you and I need you to just stop blocking me and keep an open mind.”

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