I just stare at Tray. If he’s trying to throw my whole world off its axis, mission accomplished.

Tray meets my stare and holds out a piece of paper with a trembling hand. “This is an account number where you need to transfer the money, Asher. It’s not for me, it’s for him. I’m just the messenger. My job is to deliver the message and he won’t hurt Sam.”

Conner and I look over at each other.

“And now I’ve done that. So make the transfer because I believe him. I think he really will kill Sam if you don’t. Or even worse, I think he might take Sam if you don’t.”

I give Conner a nod and he walks towards Tray and takes the paper from his outstretched hand. Then he pulls out his phone and texts the bank in Switzerland.

I stare at the computer, wondering if I should watch more of the video. Wondering if I can actually stomach more of the video. And knowing I have no choice in this matter. If I want to save Grace, I need as many facts as I can get. She might hate me for inserting myself into her life, but that’s a chance I’ll have to take. It’s more important that she’s safe.

“Done,” Conner says as he reads an incoming message.

Tray straightens his ripped and rumpled jacket, lets out a long breath, and heads for the door, giving his bodyguard a nod as he passes.

“Wait.” I snap out of my stupor before Tray makes it to the door. “When you talked to him… what did that sick fuck say he wanted?”

“Grace,” Tray calls out, his back to me as he walks away. “He says he wants Grace.” And then he stops and turns his head slightly so I can see his profile. “And he said he’s coming to get her and there’s nothing you can do to stop him, so be ready.”


They walk out and the door closes behind him.

“Come on,” Conner says. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. Everything is about to explode and we need to get ahead of it.”

“How, Conner? How the fuck are we gonna get ahead of this?”

“I’m calling Dad and the PR people. We need to have a solid plan for dealing with Sam and that video. It’s not the end of the world, V. You and I both know her bottling all that up inside is not good for her. We will walk her through it and she will come out the other end better than ever.”

I nod, and I do believe that. But believing you should do something and actually doing it are not the same thing.

“I’ll take care of Sam, see what kind of info I can pull off this computer. You take care of Johnny Blazen and ask him what he needs to get that car location info. Maybe we need to pay off a judge or something. I don’t know. We need that info. Because that video of Grace, V, that was some sick fucking shit. And even though I sorta knew that’s what happened, it shocked the shit out of me. I never imagined he could’ve filmed her.”

I scrub my hands down my face and let out an exhausted sigh. How did my life go from dreams to nightmares in one twenty-four-hour period?

“Just go find that Johnny Blazen and get Grace back, OK? I’ll take Felicity with me and we’ll go work on the computer.”

Just hearing Felicity’s name snaps me back. “I don’t want her involved, Conner. I don’t want her hurt. She can’t be a part of this.”

“Fuck that, V. That girl is gold when it comes to hacking. We need her.” Conner grabs the laptop and tucks it under his arm and walks towards the door. “She’s gonna tear this computer apart and figure out if there’s anything we can use on here. And then she’s gonna set Sam up with a YouTube channel and have her make another video. One that shows a very composed and self-assured Samantha Asher talking candidly about her disorder.”

All the people I care about are suddenly a part of this fucked-up mess. Is this my fault? Did I invite all this hatred? Am I the reason why Grace’s abductor has resurfaced after ten years? Am I the root of all the pain and humiliation that is about to be unleashed?

“Vaughn!” Conner yells from the door. “Pull it together and go find that quarterback!”

I nod and follow him out. We walk back to my suite without words and before we even reach the door, Felicity is opening it for us. She scans our faces and frowns. “Oh, shit. Please tell me something good.”

I shake my head at her. “It’s worse than we imagined. I hate to ask you—”

“Vaughn, you know whatever you need, whenever you need it, right? I’ll do anything to help.”

Conner and I walk through the door and she shuts it behind us. I pull her close for a hug. “Go with Conner and help him. We’ve got a computer for you to look at. I’m just so glad you’re part of my life. Do you know that?”

“I know, V,” she says in a soft voice. “I’m the luckiest girl alive and it’s all because of you. I’d do anything to make you happy.”

I come from a level of privilege few can comprehend. I have a loving family and I’ve never wanted for anything in my life. And yet the day this kid hacked her way into my life I realized how much I was missing. I feel the same about Grace. I never knew how sad my intimate relationships were until I saw what they could be.

I can’t lose Grace. Not only that, I feel like it’s my life’s purpose to keep her safe and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that happens.

I watch Felicity and Conner leave, closing the door quietly behind them. And then I go back to the living room and call the concierge desk. “This is Vaughn Asher,” I tell the woman on the other end of the line. “I need Carl up here immediately.”

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