"Okay, I have to say it," Katya says finally. "If you're anything like Petr's bitch of an ex, I will find you and make you pay if you hurt him. It wouldn't be the first time I've beat up his girlfriend."

I smile, understanding and sharing the concern she has for her brother.

"Kitty-Khav is my little defender." Petr wraps his arms around his sister and gives her a bear hug until she objects. "Little being the operative word."

"Sawyer taught me how to take you down, Petr!" she snaps.

I watch them wrestle for a moment, entertained. She gives up after a brief struggle then embraces her brother. He leans his head down to whisper something to her, and her gaze settles on me briefly.

"Petr's a good guy. If he likes you, there's a reason," Sawyer says, calm where Katya is ready to drag me into the snow maze for a brawl. "He's been hurt enough, though. He acts tough but he's a softy."

I listen, amazed by how close Petr's family is. I don't mind the warnings; they're looking out for someone who is by far the sweetest, best man I've met. Petr deserves to be surrounded by people like this.

But me? Do I remotely fit in? Usually comfortable chit chatting with strangers, I'm drawing a blank around Sawyer and Katya. And Petr, too.

"I think our first official date is next week," I manage finally. "Dinner I think."

Petr's attention shifts to me at the words. He releases his sister and meets my gaze with intent interest. "Interesting. Am I invited?" he jokes.


"Yes," I murmur, face warm.

Before he can say anything else, we're joined by two others.

Petr shifts to stand beside me without touching me. His nearness is enough to make me fevered, oblivious to the cold that had me shaking in my boots moments before.

"These are a couple of the members from my old team, Riley and Carter," Petr introduces us.

I shake their hands. Riley is huge with a quick smile and Carter tall and bald headed despite the chilly weather.

"Guys, this is Claudia. She's …" Petr drifts off.

"Don't ask. It's complicated," Katya supplies.

Neither of the men appears fazed. I'm flustered, though. It's an honor to meet people in Petr's life, but when I have no idea where exactly I stand, it's stressful.

"Baba wants you and Sawyer in the house, Katya," Riley says.

"Doesn't he always." She sighs and glances at Petr. "You be good. You, too, Claudia." With Sawyer in tow, she returns to the veranda.

"Us, too," Riley adds with a wink at Petr. "See you in a few."

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