The next day, the diner is packed in the morning. Most of the town is off work, and it takes all three of us waitresses on shift to keep up with the flood of people. The rush eases off around midmorning without dropping off completely as usual.

It's odd, but I miss Petr this morning. I didn't think one day would make a difference. Whenever he's here, however briefly we talk, he becomes my moment of peace, helps me remember to breathe. It doesn't hurt that he's sexy and sweet with a smile that sends my blood racing. Talking to him recharges me, and this morning, without him, I'm feeling totally drained again.

I don't have time to dwell on much of anything. The lunch crowd picks up, followed by another short lull, a dinner rush, and then I'm done for the day.

The snow is starting again. I had no idea Massachusetts was so snowy and cold. I bundle up to trudge home for work, pleased to smell hamburgers when I reach my apartment door. Shivering, I enter and knock the rest of the snow off my shoes onto the floor mat.

"Hey, kid, I'm home!" I call and unwrap myself from scarf, coat, gloves and earmuffs.

"Hey." He's in the living room.

I instinctively check the hamburgers then turn down the heat before pulling off my boots to cross the carpeted area of the living room.

"Petr says we're going to his party tomorrow?" Todd asks hopefully.

"Yeah. We'll drop by." Which reminds me: I need taxi money. I check my tip jar quickly to ensure we have enough to get there and back.

"Are we staying all weekend?"


"Probably not."

"But we'll go and stay for a while, right?"

"Yes, Todd," I say with a laugh. Going to my room, I close the door and change quickly then take a moment to assess the collage. It's almost done. The diner is closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas, so I'll have time to work on it tomorrow before we head to Petr's in the afternoon.

Debating how much more work I need to do, I take the laptop to the living room.

"Hey, can I show you something?" I ask. "You have to keep it secret. No telling Petr, even though you're BFFs."

Todd rolls his eyes.

"It's another of Anton's projects."

He brightens up and sits beside me on the couch. "What is it?"

I turn the screen to show him. "I can't decide if I should try a couple more layers or leave it alone."

Todd is smiling. "Petr will love it."

"Two of the pictures scanned grainy," I say, disappointed. "Do you think I should place them somewhere else or are they okay where they are?"

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