My blood runs cold and for a long moment, I don't register anything except the despair and fear in the voice of the woman I care about. I blink, and automatically, as with any time I'm faced with danger, I flip into mission mode.

"Sawyer, keep Todd here and calm, please," I say over my shoulder. "I'll be back soon."

"Wait," Todd whispers and shifts. He hands something to Sawyer, who tosses it t me. It's the key to their apartment.

"Petr …" Katya is gazing at me uncertainly.

"Come help me with Todd, baby," Sawyer says to her softly. "Petr knows what he's doing and when to call for backup."

I give a wry smile, snatch my keys from the coatroom, and trot outside to my truck.

Whether or not she knows it, Claudia is already part of my family, and no one threatens those I love.

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