“Yang…” Just as Bao Sanli was about to speak, he was interrupted by Yang Dashan.

“Yang Ming! How come you are here? You are still attending university. You don’t belong to this kind of place!” Yang Dashan said with some anger, “How did you come in?”

“Uncle…” Yang Ming said awkwardly, “My friend asked me to come…”

“Your friend? What kind of shady friends have you made? Which of your friends invited you? I’ll go settle him!” Yang Dashan lectured.

Bao Sanli stood there and his face turned green! Wonderful! Yang Dashan! Aren’t you pointing at the mulberry tree to curse the locust [1]? Isn’t this the same as hitting my face?

Bao Sanli was gnashing his teeth and his whole body was shaking! It was no wonder that he would be angry. It’s very normal. Yang Ming’s friend was Bao Sanli. Yesterday, he called and invited Yang Ming to come over! Didn’t he just become a shady friend that way?

“Yang Dashan, what did you say?” Bao Sanli was very enraged. “Aren’t you pointing at the mulberry tree to curse the locust?”

” Eh ? Brother Bao, what are you talking about?” Yang Dashan was somewhat inexplicable, “I’m lecturing my nephew!”

“I called Brother Yang over with a phone call. What do you mean? Am I a shady friend? You want to settle with me?” Bao Sanli glared at him and said angrily.

” Hey ? What Brother Yang?” Yang Dashan was stunned. “Brother Bao, you’re calling my nephew, Brother Yang?”

Bao Sanli’s face turned purple this time around! Your nephew? Do you know how to talk? You’re calling my nephew Brother Yang! So what do you mean? I am also a generation below you. Do I need to call you uncle?


” Cough, cough !” Yu Lei also noticed that Yang Dashan inadvertently triggered Bao Sanli. Since he was quite close to Yang Dashan normally, he couldn’t bear to let him continue to make a fool out of himself. So, he coughed twice and said, “Dashan, Brother Yang and us were brothers in arms in the detention center. We all have our own relationships. Aren’t you putting Brother Bao into a difficult situation with what you have said?”

” Ugh …” Only then did Yang Dashan realize what he said just now was really a bit overboard! So, he said awkwardly, “Brother Bao, don’t be angry. I didn’t mean that…”

” Hmph !” Bao Sanli let out a cold hmph , “I know that you’re more vigorous, or else I would have slapped you very early on!”

Yang Dashan nodded quickly, “Yes, Brother Bao… I am a person like this, relatively direct. Please don’t mind ha…” After that, he quickly went to the side. However, he felt really intrigued. Since when did Yang Ming become brothers in arms with Bao Sanli?

Moreover, according to Yu Lei, they met one another in the detention center? Yang Ming had entered the detention center before? Why didn’t I know about it? Yang Dashan wondered, should he tell this to his younger brother?

However, Yang Dashan hesitated after Bao Sanli roared at him! The relationship between Yang Ming and Bao Sanli was very good. Wouldn’t it be causing trouble for myself if I go and complain behind his back? It seemed that I have to find Yang Ming for a good talk! This nephew of mine may not be as simple as he seems!

At this time, Yang Dashan suddenly remembered Yang Ming’s performance when he was eating in Tavern Heaven On Earth. He couldn’t help but frown!Have I been underestimating Yang Ming and his family?

Or, I underestimated Yang Ming? Yes, just based on the firm relationship between Yang Ming and Bao Sanli, I really underestimated Yang Ming! What was the name that Bao Sanli used to call Yang Ming? Brother Yang!

Who was Bao Sanli? Although it wasn’t necessarily a direct hierarchical relationship by calling others brother [2], the minimum was a sign of respect! Respect!

Therefore, Yang Dashan didn’t dare to speak much at the moment. He could only wait until the end of the banquet to ask Yang Ming.

Yang Ming was also somewhat helpless. He was avoiding his uncle, but he was still discovered by him. I can only talk to him alone later so that he wouldn’t tell my parents about these affairs.

Looking at how his uncle could mingle with Bao Sanli, he obviously was not a kind of old-fashioned person. So, Yang Ming wasn’t very worried! It’s not a big deal, at most I just have to reveal some truth to my uncle.

“Brother Bao, I came without your invitation. Sorry about that!” As Yang Ming thought of this he felt a lot more relaxed, he laughed as he saluted by clasping his hand into a fist.

” Hehe , how come you aren’t invited? Didn’t I call you yesterday? You’re giving me face by coming here!” Bao Sanli smiled, “Yes, Brother Hou’s over there. Don’t you know him? Later on, you can meet him too!”

“Okay!” Yang Ming nodded and said, “Brother Bao, your business is getting more and more prosperous now!”

“Just attempting to sustain ourselves. How, Brother Yang, are you interested to come over…” When he had spoken it out, Bao Sanli suddenly remembered that he was now working for others and he’s not the sole decision maker! I can’t make the decision myself. It required the agreement of the boss behind the scene. So he couldn’t help but felt a little awkward.

However, Yang Ming didn’t wait for him to finish and interrupted him, “Brother Bao, let’s discuss this in the future!”

“Okay, then I shall not force you!” Bao Sanli found an excuse and took advantage of it to change this topic.

” Hehe , Bi Hai, your luck is good. You had Brother Yang recommending you.” Bao Sanli looked at Bi Hai beside Yang Ming and said.

Bi Hai immediately felt incredibly grateful. Bao Sanli was right. If there was no Yang Ming, it was impossible for me to take over Wu Xinkai’s position.

There were too many guests arriving. It was impossible for Bao Sanli to accompany Yang Ming for too long. After an apology, he went to greet the others.

Yang Ming didn’t care. After all, Bao Sanli didn’t know that he was Mr. Y, his boss behind the scenes.

Bao Sanli walked away. However, Yang Ming knew several core underlings of Bao Sanli. Yu Lei stayed to accompany Yang Ming.

“Little Lei, let me introduce you to a person. This is my good buddy from junior high school. If you have any good opportunities in the future, remember to promote him.” Yang Ming patted Sun Haoming’s shoulder and said.

Yu Lei’s gratitude to Yang Ming wasn’t little either. When Yu Xiangde was at the detention center fighting with him, Yang Ming had made some great contributions. So, Yu Lei had always respected Yang Ming.

“No problem. Brother Yang, your brother is my brother!” Yu Lei nodded, “Young man, what’s your name?”

“Sun Haoming, I am following Brother Bai…” As he spoke this, Sun Haoming paused for a moment. Yu Lei would definitely not know who Brother Bai is, so he had to change his words, “I am following Brother Hai.”

” En , okay, Bi Hai, go back and find a good position for him. Let him be trained. When the company opens, come and be a captain!” Yu Lei told Bi Hai.

“Captain? Me?” Sun Haoming was stunned.

” En , Ming Yang Security Company [3] was divided into several security teams. You should be one of the captains.” Yu Lei said.

Sun Haoming was excited and didn’t know what to say. He was in the underworld to just get his basic needs settled, but he didn’t expect that Yu Lei would directly let him work in the company and arranged a small leadership position for him. How could he not be excited about this?

“Thank you, Brother Lei!” Sun Haoming said quickly.

“No need to thank me. Thank Brother Yang.” Yu Lei smiled. Arranging the position of a person was just a piece of cake.

Yang Ming wasn’t very interested in the social interaction at the banquet, but for Sun Haoming, he still introduced Haoming to several people whom he was familiar with.

When it came to Hou Zhenhan, Yang Ming pretended not to be very familiar with him and introduced Sun Haoming to him. Hou Zhenhan naturally understood Yang Ming’s hint and nodded to Sun Haoming.

Sun Haoming didn’t expect to come here today and meet so many people with high positions! He was really pleased that he invited Yang Ming over, and felt like it was a wise move.

After the banquet, Yang Ming hurriedly bid farewell to Bao Sanli and Sun Haoming. He still had the other matter which was to find his uncle and have a chat with him! Before he reports to my parents, I need to get to him first!

Although Sun Haoming had a full stomach of questions to ask Yang Ming, when he saw that Yang Ming still had other things to do, he could only give up. He would get another time to ask Yang Ming about it.

Yang Ming was afraid that his uncle would have left and had already gone back. So, he hastened his footsteps and rushed to the door of the banquet hall.

Yang Dashan was actually having the same idea as him. When the two people collided at the door, he couldn’t help but smile a bit, “Yang Ming, what are you doing in such a hurry? Come, talk to uncle. What was going on?”

“Uncle… Actually, I was also looking for you… I was afraid of you leaving earlier…” Yang Ming shook his head and said, “You were looking for me too?”

“Let’s go. It’s too noisy here. Let’s find a quiet place to talk.” Yang Dashan sighed and said, “You wouldn’t choose not to give this face to your uncle? Brother Yang [2]?”

“Uncle, you are kidding me. Bao Sanli called me that because of his respect to me… No matter what, you are my uncle, my elder… How could you call me Brother Yang…” Yang Ming said embarrassingly.

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