Just then, Dean noticed a sign for Delbart Regional High School, which serviced the township where young "Mr. Jones," the third guest at Whitney's Motel, was attending school. He briefly explained the situation to Winston, who had no problem detouring for the short time it would take to question the youth. The prin­cipal located the boy, who willingly answered Dean's questions once he learned his own activities were of no interest to the police.

"Damn, you guys are good! Here I used an assumed name and all and you ran me down." He brushed back what seemed like a foot of wavy blond hair.

"All in a day's work," Dean answered, winking at Winston as he said it. "How long were you at the Whitney Motel?"

"All day. It was fantastic! We got there about eight in the morn­ing and didn't leave until about nine that night!"

"You and...a friend?"


"Yeah. I wouldn't be no gentleman if I told you her name but she wasn't just some pig. We were going steady and all."

"We're interested in the occupant of the next room," Dean asked.

The boy stopped to think. "On the side by the bed, the right side, some guy came in about 1:00-right after lunch. He and his lady friend were drunk, at least it sounded like it, laughing and all. You could hear everything. She was hell on wheels, moaning and carrying on something wicked! Me and Carrie kept making fun of 'em, quiet like. It was a real turn-on, not that we needed it. They left around three. Some other couple came in just before we left, hauling bags and all."

"What about the other room, the one on your left?"

"That was some guy alone."

"Tell me about him," Dean asked.

"Not much to tell. He was by himself. He came in a little after us, early. We heard him drive up and open the door. There was some moving around so we knew he was there but he didn't even turn on the TV. He left sometime before lunch. I heard the car."

"Are you sure he was alone?"

"He drove up alone and no other car came back there-all day. His room was on the far side-away from the bed, so we couldn't hear as well as the other. If he wasn't alone, she was real quiet." He smiled. "There wasn't any bumping and grinding and those beds are noisy."

Dean looked at him quizzically. "How come you can remember everything? It was two months ago."

The young man smiled. "Hey, it was one memorable day!"

Dean thanked him, a hint of envy in his voice, and he and Winston continued their trip to the motel.