Raquel stood idly starring at the three story mansion as movers took out every piece of furniture starting with the leather couches. All being packed into a moving vans ready to be distributed among all charity organizations as it said in her fathers will. It had only been a week since the death of her parents, Chaz and Aurelia Valdez. She still couldn't believe her own parents left her out in the will. She felt her eyes sting as tears began to fill them. She blinked them away.

What kind of parents leave out their only child out of their will? And with no reason. She thought to herself. The thought of it made her blood boil like oil. Her parents died in a plane crash on their way to Hawaii for their hundreth honeymoon as Raquel liked to say. Being filthy rich, obviously they had their own private jet. This time they decided to take the new jet that they named after Raquel. The plane went down due to failures caused by the improper installation of the Fuselage crown skin panel. Raquel had no idea what the hell it was. All she knew was that the plane crashed and her parents went down with it. And she was left with nothing but a completely furnished apartment and a healthy bank account set till she graduated college already in her name way before her parents died.

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