“No.” I laughed. “Promise!” I grabbed her hand and led her to her locker. “And this is where Demetri and I pestered you day in and day out.”

“Torture. It was torture.” Nat nodded. “And if I remember correctly you asked for taffy because you just quit smoking.”

“I did.” I grinned. “But I have to be honest. It wasn’t taffy I wanted…”

“Huh?” Nat backed up against the locker. “What do you mean?”

“I wanted to kiss you.” I cupped her face. My thumb flicked her lower lip as I gazed into her eyes. “I kept thinking to myself, All I need is her. Taffy never took the edge off. Not the way you did. Not the way your presence did. You numbed the pain. Yet at the same time, made me feel more alive then I’d ever felt in my existence. It was always you.”

She swallowed and looked away.

“Come on.” I tugged her hand and led her to Mr. Meservey’s old classroom. “Go in.”

She walked in and smiled.

“Hey!” Demetri waved from the back.

Jaymeson was sitting next to him and Angelica was in the desk across from them. She’d actually volunteered to help me with this whole idea since she was staying in town for her rehab treatment with Mrs. Murray. I swear, that woman came so highly recommended that it just made sense for Angelica to stay. She nodded toward me and smiled, a real smile, at Nat.

“Take a seat,” I ordered behind her.


Nat sat in her usual seat.

I pulled out a pink pen and set it on her desk then took a seat next to the guys and Angelica, we all started bickering and talking about history. After a few seconds of our little play acting, I came up behind Nat. “Drop it.”

Nat’s shoulders tensed. She pushed the pen off the desk. I bent over and picked it up, making sure that when our fingers brushed she was looking directly into my eyes.

“It was a pen.” I swallowed the emotion in my throat. “The damn pen. Over and over again these past few weeks, I’ve replayed this scenario. What if it wouldn’t have been me who picked up your pen? What if it was Demetri? What if I wouldn’t have done all the things I did? Would things be better or worse?” I sighed and kissed her hand. “I couldn’t let you go. I can’t let you go, but I want you to know that I would never force you to stay. If it hurts you to stay, then I don’t want to be the one hurting you, but I would really like you to meet me in the cafeteria in about ten minutes.”

Nat’s brows furrowed. “What?”

“What will it be?” I rose to my full height and waited.

“I think…”Nat looked at Angelica and the guys. “I think I’ll stay.”

“Perfect.” I bent down and kissed her cheek. “Meet you there in a bit.”

“Okay…” Her voice sounded confused.

I ran out the door with Demetri and Jaymeson in tow And this is where Angelica came in. I hoped to God I could actually trust her.

Chapter Forty


“I have to admit, this plan kicks ass.” I rubbed my hands together in excitement and kissed Alyssa on the forehead. Her father had totally outdone himself and made so much taffy for the occasion that if I died in five seconds I would still be in heaven.

“Thanks.” Alec shifted nervously on his feet next to me. “Shit, I’m nervous as hell.”

“It will be fine.” Alyssa reached for his hand and squeezed it.

The cafeteria was full of friends and family. Both of Nat’s parents had made it as well as some of our friends from school. I patted Alec on the back and waited for the doors to open.

Nat had been slumming around the house just like Alec. Both of them looked like they hadn’t slept in years, so it was actually Angelica’s idea for someone to do her makeup and put her into a dress before she faced everyone.

I didn’t think it was necessary until I saw Nat yesterday. She had dark circles under her eyes and she looked thin — which couldn’t be good considering she was pregnant.

The door opened.

Damn. Well done, Angelica.

Nat gasped when she walked into the room. She was wearing a white sundress with strappy sandal things and her hair hung loosely around her shoulders. I couldn’t tell if she had makeup on, but her face somehow looked brighter, and her lips were shimmery.

I nudged Alec, but he seemed paralyzed. His mouth dropped open, and then he took a stride toward Nat, then another. Um, not part of the plan, but—

And then he was kissing her.

Mauling her in front of everyone.

I cleared my throat and wondered if I should cover Alyssa’s eyes or something.

“Why don’t you kiss me like that?” she whispered.

“What?” I turned to her. “I kiss you like that all the time.”

“No, you don’t. You’ve never done that with your tongue. Did you see his tongue—”

“—Please don’t refer to Alec and his tongue ever again. Ever.”

Alyssa giggled. The little tease.

Finally Alec pulled away. Nat’s eyes were shining with tears.

“Nat.” Alec sighed and went down on one knee. “I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll never stop wanting to be with you. My heart…” He shuddered. “It’s yours. It’s always been yours. I can’t take back the mistake I made this last year. I can’t take back all those times I didn’t protect your heart when it should have been my first priority. I also can’t promise that I won’t mess up again. I’m an ass, but I’m learning, and all I know… is that I want you by my side every single day for the rest of my life. I want us to be a family. I want to be your family.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a six carat antique cut diamond solitaire ring. I knew it was badass because Jayemeson and I went into Portland to get it with him. Though, I didn’t know exactly how cool until Alyssa almost passed out when Alec showed it to her to get her approval.

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