“I think I know someone,” David interrupted. “But you need to change, Angelica. People rarely get second chances. Don’t screw yours up.” He put on his aviator sunglasses and looked to Jaymeson. “We need to talk.”

Jaymeson nodded once and took off with his dad.

Angelica watched them walk away and looked back to Alec. “Yes. I’ll do it.”

Alec smiled, but this time it was a real smile, not one of his fake camera smiles that made me want to slap him across the face. Nope, it was real, genuine. Damn, but that guy had more grace than I’d ever possess in a lifetime.

“Great.” Alec pulled out his cell. “Once your contract is up for the show, we’ll check you in to the best treatment I know of.”

Angelica hugged Alec.

I may have accidently gagged. It was involuntary, I swear.

She left me and Alec staring at April’s room.

“So how does this work exactly?” I asked. “I go in and say, Hey, I’m your son. You suck, but everything’s fine now. Hey, who’s my real dad?”

Alec burst out laughing. “Yeah, something like that. Honestly, I’m still in a bit of shock. I thought she was innocent all along.”

“Women rarely are.”


We laughed and walked into the room together.

April was sitting up in her bed. And she was crying.


“I’m not sorry,” she whispered. “I’ll never be sorry.”

Wow. I shook my head at Alec. “You’ll never be sorry for what?”

She sighed and brought her gaze to mine. “For giving you up. You’ve had a great life, a great career — a family who loved you, a brother that would die for you. So I’m not going to apologize for that.”

“Yeah, I wasn’t going to ask you to.”

She pressed her lips together and began playing with the fabric of the blanket covering her. “Then why are you here?”

“To apologize.” I shrugged and pointed to Alec. “We wanted to apologize for everything you’ve gone through, and we also wanted to offer help.”

She snorted. “After everything I’ve done, you’re not only apologizing to me, but you’re going to help me? Are there cameras on or something? You don’t have enough charity cases this year?”

“I think I get my sarcasm from her.” This I said to Alec. He chuckled and took a seat, motioning for me to follow him.

Alec spoke first. “Yes. I know we’re both sorry that things got so bad for you. But mainly we want to help you get back on your feet again.”

“What if I don’t want to get back on my feet?” She swallowed as a tear ran down her cheek. “What if I like my life?”

“You like lying?” I snorted. “You enjoy spending all your money on coke? You like almost dying? Letting down your friends and family? If that’s your preference of lifestyle then who am I to judge?”

“But…” Alec cleared his throat. “If you want something else, let us know. We can help.” He looked at me and sighed. “I think you owe your son that much.”

She flinched as if Alec had just slapped her. “I’ll think about it.”

“Great.” I rose from my seat and hightailed it out of there. Alec followed but grabbed my shirt, stopping me in my tracks.

“Aren’t you going to ask who your real dad is?”

I felt my throat clog with emotion. “Doesn’t matter. My real dad died a while ago, leaving me with the only family I know. My ass of a brother.”

“That was a pretty speech.” Alec hit me on the back and laughed.

“I practiced it.”

“Sure you did.”

We walked to Nat’s room only to find her nervously pacing back and forth as if she’d been waiting ten years for us to come spring her from her prison.

I knocked on the door.

“Thank God! I need real food. I’m starving. I swear, if you guys don’t feed me in five minutes I’m going to dig through Demetri’s pockets for taffy wrappers and lick them.”

“She’s all yours, man.” I slapped Alec’s back. “Pregnant ladies be scary.”

Nat glared.

I smiled.

And then she ran into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I Love you, Demetri Daniels.”

I sighed into her hair. “I love you too.”

How strange that a year and a half ago I was making out with her, making her life miserable, and trying to keep her from my brother, and now? Now I would freaking die for her. I would do anything for her, for my brother. I loved her so much that it physically hurt to breathe when I thought of anything happening to her.

Family. She was my family.

“Yeah, that hug went on a bit too long.” Alec separated us, while Nat slapped him in the stomach.

“Hey!” I clapped my hands in excitement, scaring the crap out of Nat.

She cursed and pushed me.


“It’s not creepy anymore!”

Crickets. I heard freaking crickets in that hospital room. Both Alec and Nat looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

“We aren’t creepy!”

Alec’s brow furrowed. “Get there faster, man, because at this point I’m wondering if you’re high again.”

“Why does everyone always assume I’m high when I say random things?”

Alec and Nat gave me that look again. Fine, whatever. “Guys, our weird little love triangle, totally not weird anymore. High five for not being blood-related!”

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