Nat waved me over to the bench she was sitting on chatting happily with Demetri and then her face fell.

Pale. She looked too pale.

Was she still feeling sick from the boat ride or did she have bad news? I fought the urge to run, and instead slowly walked up to her side, placing my hand on her shoulder.

“I understand.” She swallowed. “How bad?”

Nat exhaled a curse and ended the conversation.

“What’s going on?” I kept my voice light even though I was dying inside.

“Guess what our theme is this week?” She stood and handed me her bags so I could carry them.



“What’s worse than that?”

“The past. Our theme is the past. Apparently Ruben has bowls of questions for each participant. Last night Angelica ran off, she got super drunk, and Jaymeson found her stripping and trying to go swimming in the ocean.”


“She could have died! Is she insane?”

Nat shrugged. “Demetri says it’s not going to be a pleasant week. He just wanted to prepare us.”

“Let’s screw it all. You know? Who the hell cares? Let’s stay in Seattle.”

Nat peered up through the hair that had fallen across her forehead. “That doesn’t sound like the Alec I know.” She shrugged. “I say we power through and then go on a really long vacation somewhere tropical.”

“Consider the tickets booked.” I smiled.


“Nat?” We walked toward the first class lounge.


“Promise me something.”


“Trust me.”

With an exaggerated eye roll, Nat nudged me. “Already there.”

“No, Nat.” I bit down on my lip. “I’m serious, just trust me. Trust in us. Can you do that?”

“Again, I already do, Alec. Now put on your big boy pants. In an hour we’re going to be in the Seventh Circle of Hell.”

“Super,” I said dryly.

Nat laughed. “It won’t be that bad. Come on.”

She had no freaking clue that the minute we chose to get on that plane, I was just one minute closer to losing it.


Seventh Circle of Hell was a gross understatement. Nat and I had been back at the Beach House for a total of ten minutes when Ruben bombarded us with the “rules” for the week.

“Both of you are behind. I hope you enjoyed your stay and rewards. Remember.” He looked around at each of us. Angelica looked like hell. Jaymeson had dark circles under his eyes, and Demetri and Alyssa were ignoring Ruben completely. “You want to be the fan favorite this week. Fan favorite gets a… special prize.”

Prizes meant freedom, which also meant I had to participate. “I’ll do mine right now.” I reached into my bowl and pulled out a piece of paper.

“Read it aloud,” Ruben ordered.

Damn. “Have you ever lied to someone you love?”

The room fell silent.

I answered honestly. “Several times. Not that I’m proud of it by any means, but sometimes we lie because it’s easier then telling the truth. Sometimes by lying you protect those you love.”

Silence. Again.

Nat cleared her throat. “My turn.” She reached into the bowl. Slowly, she unfolded the piece of paper and read the question. “Have you ever regretted dating Alec instead of Demetri?” She shook her head. “What the hell kind of question is that?”

“A good one,” Ruben said evenly. “Now answer it.”

“No. And it’s a hell, no! No offense, Demetri.”

“None taken.” He laughed.

“I love Demetri like family. I love Alec like… well, definitely not family.” People chuckled around the room including the camera crew. “And I would never take that moment back, even though it was difficult on all of us. It was… meant to be.”

“Well said.” I grabbed Nat’s hand and kissed it.

“Lovely, just lovely.” Jaymeson sighed. “Now that we’ve all answered questions, either let us get drunk or leave. It’s late, which technically means the cameras have to go.”

Ruben nodded slowly. “You’re right. How could I forget? It’s only Monday, and since we had to wait for Nat and Alec to get back, we won’t make you guys do anything else for the rest of the night. We actually scheduled a private party for you guys tonight. After all, we only have one week left of filming and you guys are all free to tour, make movies, and get married.” The last part he said to Nat. She beamed and looked up at me.

“I feel like there’s a catch,” Demetri said eyeing Ruben up and down as if trying to figure out the puzzle he was presenting us.

“Always is.” Ruben clapped his hands together. “One camera crew stays — but don’t worry, they’ll just be here in case something happens.”

Ruben left with the other two camera crews. A catering crew arrived a few minutes later and began setting up food in the kitchen. Clearly Ruben hadn’t gotten the memo that Demetri didn’t like alcohol in the house, because there was enough champagne to kill a person. The hair on the back of my neck rose. Something wasn’t right. Ruben was too happy… I mean a private party? Four weeks ago he was ready to scratch the whole project because we were so boring.

“I feel set up,” Nat whispered next to me as the kitchen crew began pouring champagne into flutes.

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