“Call it all you want. But you should ask him. It was right when you guys moved here. I think it was after the first two weeks of school. He went to L.A. for a movie premiere. Another one of Jaymeson’s I think… I mean, I would know. I was there.”

“And Alec was there,” I said trying to make sense of everything she was saying.

“Yup… he was in really bad shape, something about being in love with a girl that chose you over him? I don’t know. I’m guessing it was Nat, but whatever. If he really loved her he wouldn’t have messed up so bad, right?”

“Right.” My mind reeled and I felt like I had left my body and was now replaying everything that had happened over the past year and over the past few days. Was that why Alec was acting so weird? Had he slept with Angelica or something? Shit. Been there done that. I mean, that’s all kinds of screwed up, but hell, Nat wouldn’t flip. It wasn’t as if they were dating then.

“So… just to clarify… you slept with Alec?” I whispered.

“No…” Angelica got up from her seat and leaned in to whisper. “I didn’t… but you should ask him who he did spend the night with.”

Just like that she was gone. And I was left staring into space. Shit, I wanted to finish her champagne more than breathe. I quickly got up from my seat and approached Nat and Alec. They were sitting in one of the booths laughing and whispering.

Yuck. Seriously. From here on out if Alyssa abandons me, I’m going to put her in handcuffs and throw away the key.

On second thought… handcuffs…

“Dude.” Alec waved in front of my face. “Why are you looking at the ocean like it makes you horny?”

I shook my head as I felt my face flush red with embarrassment. “Handcuffs, idea… you don’t want to know.” I waved my hand flippantly into the air. “Anyway, Nat, can I steal your favorite Daniels away for a few minutes?”


“Aw, Demetri, you know I don’t pick favorites.” She winked.

“Right.” I rolled my eyes. “Oh wait… you did pick. I lost. P.S. Thanks for reminding me, especially considering I kept rehearsing my own death since you left me with Satan.”

“Angelica?” Alec guessed.

“Anti-Christ.” Nat nodded. “Demetri can explain. I’m going to step outside and get some fresh air. I don’t feel very well. Alec probably passed me some of the bug he had today.”

She waved and walked through the crowds to the door.

I waited until she went outside then turned to Alec and crossed my arms. “Spill.”

“Spill what?” He reached for another glass of champagne, but I grabbed his hand midair and smacked it away.

“Stop avoiding. Just tell me. We’re brothers, we can deal with it. I mean, we’ve dealt with some pretty serious shit. Right?”

“Damn it, Demetri.” Alec shook his head, and his eyes pooled with tears. “Not like this man. Not even close to being like this.”

“Did you get a groupie pregnant?”


“Start doing drugs again?”

Alec laughed. “I wish. And no.”

“Find out you’re a chick?”


“Get a sex change?”

“Seriously? No.”

I sat down and leaned against the leather seat. “So… I’m out of guesses.”

“Your guesses were sex changes and drugs. I’m surprised you didn’t ask if I woke up this morning thinking I was Batman or something.”

I paused. “Are you Batman?”

Alec laughed and then rubbed his face with his hands. “Not that I know of.”

“So what is it?” I bit my lip and asked the question I didn’t want to ask but couldn’t avoid. “Did you cheat on Nat?”

Alec wouldn’t meet my eyes. Instead he stared hard at the table as if it would somehow sprout the answer for him.

“Alec? Did you?”

“It’s complicated.” He groaned. “I can’t say.”

“You can’t say?” I repeated. “As in you don’t remember if you did or didn’t? Or like you really can’t say because you’ll get your ass sued? I’m sorry, I just don’t understand how the hell you wouldn’t know. You either did or you didn’t.”

Alec ground his teeth together. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”

“Then you’re making it that way.” I fought to keep my voice even. My heart clenched in my chest. What the hell made him think he had a right to even put the girl we both loved in that position? Nat was family. She was like my sister. Suddenly I wanted to puke.

“Well, when you decide whether or not you kept it in your pants, let me know.” I pushed away from the table causing glasses to fall on the ground. The first thing I did was walk outside to find Nat. I had to find her. I had to see her smile and see her face. Maybe if I saw her I’d be reminded of how perfect she was for Alec and how much he loved her. Because right now, I had my doubts. And I really, really wanted to turn around and punch my own flesh and blood in the face.

Since when did I become the mature one?

Chapter Eleven


Crap. That could not have gone worse. I should have just told him the truth. I wasn’t sure what to say anymore. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

She answered on the first ring. “Alec, hey, how’s it going? Keeping it real in Seaside?”

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