“Is she? Her and the grunt know each other.”

“Probably why Valek brought him along today.”

“He could be the reason she got into the castle without trouble.”

“Could be.”

“You don’t seem concerned.”

“I’m sure Valek has a plan.”

“Humph.” Janco moved closer to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“...obvious you never completed the training,” Valek said to the assassin. “You’re deadly with your knives. Now you need to be deadly with a bo staff, a sword, hand to hand. These two can help you with that if you let them.”

Ha. Not unless Valek ordered him. Or... Hmm. If she shared her knife-fighting techniques, he might be tempted to show her a few moves.

Valek called Ari over. Once they were assembled, he said, “I’m counting on the four of you to work together and find how the smugglers are transporting illegal goods into Ixia. Ari’s the team leader for this mission. Keep me updated.”

“Yes, sir,” they said in unison.


While Janco wasn’t happy with the new members, he suspected Little Miss Assassin was annoyed that Ari was chosen as team leader. She stood next to Sergeant Grunt as if waiting for Valek to yell go. Two of them against him and Ari would be interesting as long as she didn’t have her knives.

“All right, chief. What’s next?” Janco asked.

“Team meeting,” Ari said.

“Here?” Little Miss Assassin glanced around at the clusters of fighters.

“Hell no. First meeting will be at the Black Cat Tavern this afternoon.”

Sweet. “Ari, you the man.”



I scanned the four men and three women surrounding us on horseback. Most of them had drawn their hoods up over their heads. If I’d had my magic, I’d know exactly whom I dealt with and would have clouded their thoughts so we could continue on our way to the Avibian Plains. Instead, I told Leif to put his machete away so we could play nice. For now.

“Is there a problem?” I asked.

One person pushed his hood back and I recognized him as Captain Romas from the Citadel’s guards.

“Yes,” Romas said. “I’m here because the Sitian Council believes you’re in danger.”

Leif snorted. “And that’s news?”

Romas ignored him. “Seems an assassin is after you, and we are to escort you back to the Citadel so we can provide you with additional protection.”

Ah. “Please tell the Council that I appreciate the concern, but I’m quite safe. And I’m not returning.”

“We’re not here as a courtesy. We have our orders.”

“I don’t care. The Council cannot order me.”

“Liaison Yelena, a word in private.” Romas gestured and an opening between his riders appeared.

I considered refusing, but was too curious about what he had to say. Kiki followed until we were far enough away.

“The Council is more than concerned. They know all about the danger you’re in,” Romas said in a low voice despite our distance from the others.

Fear swirled and I gripped Kiki’s saddle. Was he implying they knew about my magic? Impossible.

“And considering you’re heading straight to the man who vowed revenge on you, it would be wise to return with us.”

“Quit dancing around the subject, Captain, and tell me what exactly the Council knows.”

Concern creased Romas’s brow and he leaned forward. “The Council has recently learned that your magic is gone and you are unprotected.”

His words burned into me like a red-hot pontil iron, but I used every ounce of will to keep my face neutral. “Interesting rumor. Who started it?”

He shook his head sadly. “I’ve my orders. Please cooperate or I’ll be forced to take drastic measures.”

“Such as?”

“We are armed with Curare.”

I shrugged. “Go ahead and waste the Curare.” As I glanced back at Leif and Hale, I tapped my fingers on Kiki’s neck, signaling her. “Come on, guys. We’re done here.”

When Romas gestured for his men to stop them, I leaned close to Kiki’s ear and whispered, “Ask the others to dump their riders and run home, please.”

Seven horses bucked at once, throwing their riders onto the ground, including Romas. They galloped north.

“Let’s go!” I yelled.

Garnet and Rusalka joined Kiki as we raced south. Darts whizzed by my head, but I stayed low until we were out of reach. Then we slowed so we didn’t exhaust the horses.

“What was that about?” Leif asked, riding next to me.

“Tell you later.” I inclined my head, indicating Hale.

“We really should have returned to the Citadel,” Hale said when he joined us. His hair was windblown and two red spots spread on his cheeks. “I don’t know if I can protect you against an assassin.”

“Not to worry, Skippy. Did you see how Yelena gave them the slip? She’s more than capable of defending herself. You’re just here to be arm candy.”

I almost laughed at Hale’s pinched expression, but the thought that the Council knew about my condition still burned, sending sweaty waves of fear through me. How did they find out? The only people who knew were Irys, Bain, Leif, Mara, Healer Hayes and Fisk. All trustworthy.

Unless someone tricked the information from Mara. A sweet, lovable woman who was kind to everyone and would never suspect duplicity. Except she kept Opal’s secrets and knew how important this was. Unless someone forced the information from her.