Valek arrived that evening with my pack slung over his shoulder. “Found this stuffed in the corner of a wagon.” He put it on the bed. “And I’ve been meaning to give this to you.” He tossed me my switchblade.

I caught it in midair. “Thanks. I thought I’d lost it.” Turning it over in my hands, I examined the handle, running my finger over the silver symbols Janco had etched into it over eight years ago. The symbols meant “sieges weathered, fight together, friends forever.” Janco, Ari and Valek had certainly proved this true time after time. And I hoped they’d continue to do so. Which reminded me...

“I found out who sent the assassin after me,” I said to Valek.

He stilled. “Tell me.”

I detailed my encounter with Kynan, aka The Mosquito. “I still don’t know who attacked me in the woods.”

Valek’s scowl deepened. “Do you think this Bruns Jewelrose is taking advantage of your condition?”

“Probably. My demise could be used as an example. There are a number of Sitians who wish the Council had more power over magicians. The recent ruckus about Opal keeping control of who is given those magic detectors is just one of many skirmishes.”

“A visit to Bruns Jewelrose will have to wait until we’ve figured out how to get your magic back. I doubt the assassin will target you when you’re with me. And if he does...” Valek touched the hilt of his knife. “I will be more than happy to take care of him.”

“If I don’t reach him first.”

Valek laughed. “That’s my girl. I’d like to leave in the morning. Will you be strong enough to travel?”

“Yes.” I opened my pack and sorted through the contents. Ooh...clean clothes. “I need to bathe. Is there—”


“There’s a big tub downstairs.” Heat burned in Valek’s gaze. “I’ll be more than happy to assist you.”

“Mighty nice of you.”

“Not at all. I aim to please.”

I laughed. Unable to find my soap and hair wash, I dumped the rest of the stuff onto the bed. My money pouch jingled. Darts and vials of Curare and other potions rolled. And— I gasped.

“What’s wrong?” Valek asked.

Holding up a long tube filled with a white liquid, I calculated the last time... Shocked, I stared at Valek.

“What’s wrong? Tell me, love.” He moved closer.

“This is Moon potion.”


“And I was supposed to take it after...but, didn’t come. I was so busy...I didn’t even think...”

“What didn’t come? You’re not making sense.”

My hands shook. “I’m pregnant.”

Next :