Of course. He groaned. “They have another tunnel near the mountains.” Where he planned to rendezvous with his teams.

“You still had to check north just in case they crossed into Ixia and then headed east. Go to sleep, Valek. You will think clearer in the morning.”

Except the morning came sooner than expected.

A slight noise woke him. He jumped to his feet with his knife in hand. Onora stood by the open window. Her skin and clothes appeared gray in the predawn light that framed her. She was barefoot and without a cloak despite the cold air streaming into the room.

“Too slow, Valek. I had plenty of time to reach you,” she said.

“Why didn’t you?” he asked.

“Then I’d have your job and I’d have to deal with Janco all the time.”

He relaxed. “He’ll grow on you.”

“That’s what everyone keeps telling me.”

Devlen laughed from the other bed. “It would be difficult to find a person who has met Janco and did not wish to kill him right away.”

“Who’s he?” Onora asked, eyeing Devlen with suspicion.


Valek introduced her to the Sitian. He stood to shake her hand. She stepped back. He wore a pair of pants, but no shirt. And the man certainly kept in shape. Just like Captain Timmer. Devlen sensed her fear—and dropped his hand. Valek needed to have a chat with Onora about Timmer, but now wasn’t the time or place.

“Do you have information for me?” he asked.

She pulled her gaze from Devlen and told Valek about her and Janco following a group of smugglers east through a number of small towns before they stopped in what appeared to be one of their hideouts. “A couple of wagons joined them a few hours later. When it was apparent they planned to stay, I left to update Yelena. She was supposed to remain in town. Do you know where she went?”

“No.” The worry that had been simmering in his heart boiled over. He explained what they’d learned from Captain Fleming.

“She’s either still in the factory, or she hid in one of the wagons that arrived later, or she’s a captive,” Onora said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Still in the factory?” Devlen asked.

“Yes. These people have magic and they’ve been using illusions to conceal things. So why not use it to hide in the factory?”

It made sense. Wait out the raid and leave later. Or even during the raid. If you were hidden from sight, then you just had to make sure you didn’t bump into anybody.

Devlen glanced at him. “Did you feel magic in the warehouse?”

“No, but I wasn’t searching for it.”

“Then we should return and do another sweep,” Onora suggested.

“Good idea.” Valek changed his shirt.

“What should I do?” Devlen asked.

“Take Kiki and head east. Yelena might be with the smugglers, and that’s our destination regardless. We’ll catch up.”

After Devlen left, Valek stopped Onora.

She frowned at him. “We’re wasting time.”

“This won’t take long. I need to trust you, Onora.”

A wary expression crossed her face. “I’m here, helping. What more do you want?”

“Assurance that you won’t attack Yelena again.”

Onora pressed her lips together to cover her surprise.

“Why?” he asked.


Ah. “How long have you and the Commander been working together?”

“Six months.”

“Do you have orders to kill her?”

“I never had orders to kill her.”

“But the arrow was filled with a poison.”

“No. It was filled with a harmless substance to make the attack appear to be more dire.”

Powerful relief swept through his body. Nice to know his friend and Commander didn’t wish his heart mate dead. Except...what had happened to Yelena’s magic? “Did you prep the arrow yourself?”

“No. Why?”

“Who gave you the arrow?”

“The Commander.”

Everything circled back to the Commander. Damn.

“The Commander said you’d figure it out. I didn’t think it’d be this soon.”

Valek planned to have a heart-to-heart talk with Ambrose as soon as they found Yelena. He shoved his swirling thoughts and emotions aside to concentrate on her.

* * *

Valek and Onora had no trouble entering the factory. This time Valek kept alert for evidence of magic.

“When Janco feels magic it hurts him. Is it like that for you?” Onora asked.

“No. For me, it’s sticky. The magic presses against me, but can’t penetrate my skin.”

“Because of your immunity?”


“Can you see through an illusion like he does?”

“No. I only sense it through touch, and I have to guess what type of magic it is. Very frustrating at times.”

Onora remained quiet as they searched the ground floor. Then she said, “If Sitia has all this magic, then why haven’t they conquered Ixia?”

“Magic is a strong weapon. But like every weapon, there is a defense. Plus magicians are human. They can be bribed, tricked and coerced. They have their own agendas. Sitia had its hands full with rogue magicians who are more of a threat than Ixia.”

“For now.”

Valek turned to her. Had the Commander confided in her about the Curare? No emotion shone on her face.