Captain Mathis is pissed at me. It's the only explanation as to why he doesn't talk to me the rest of the miserable day on the obstacle course. My aching wrist keeps me from noticing the chill in the air. As long as I'm dry, I'm okay.

The kids love the mud. I'm surprised even the girls get into the course. Our obstacles are marked with blue flags, so I run with them between the obstacles, lifting, pushing, pulling and picking them up out of the mud.

Captain Mathis stays with me, present but checked out. We work together for the kids without ever interacting. I'm not sure why I'm disappointed, but I really am.

Despite his distance, I find myself laughing a few times at the kids. The little ones trying to tackle obstacles too big for them, the big ones being over-confident and landing in the mud. They're a great group. Captain Mathis manages them well, in charge and aware at every point, always calm and quick to resolve any issues. They're skills I don't possess, so I sit back and ride along, helping him when needed and the kids the rest of the time.

It's not until the next to the last obstacle that I swerve off course and ignore his directions. Jenna tugs on my hand. It's about six, and we've spent the fun yet grueling day on the course.

"I need to potty," she tells me.

"Can you wait? The finish line is there." I point. It's about a quarter of a mile away.

She shakes her head.

Shit. I'm so not into peeing anywhere except a proper bathroom. "Okay. Do you want to go in the forest?"

She nods.


I glance up to see Captain Mathis with the rest of the kids a good ten yards ahead. He's smiling and occupied. My eyes linger on his grin. His dimples are visible. He's stunning when he's relaxed and happy. I can't imagine what it'd take for him to smile at me. We've always been too … intense.

It's a good thing. I think I'd fall all over myself if he gave me one of the dazzling smiles he reserves for the kids.

Shaking my head, I take Jenna's hand and lead her into the forest. When we're out of sight of the others, I stop and gaze around. The ground is soft here, and there's a drop off ahead, a ravine beyond a line of trees. There are a few large bushes she can go behind.

"Okay, this should be good. Do you have toilet paper or something?" I ask with a grimace.

"Captain Mathis made us bring some."

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