"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Assuming Katya said something to him, I step aside and sit on my bunk, waiting.

"Just, uh … a request, sir," he starts with a smile. "Please don't trade Katya. I know she'll be a pain in the ass. She's never camped a day in her life. She's a good girl, though, and I'd feel safer knowing she's with you than anyone else."

Assuming he's thinking of the creep Harris, I nod. I owe him this, if nothing else.

"She'll be a challenge."

"I never back down from a challenge." As much as I'd like to this time.

"I think you're the only one here with the temperament to handle her, and …" Petr pauses. "I really want the man who saved my life and the woman who sat beside me for four months while I healed to be friends. Or maybe, at least not hate each other."

Understanding softens some of my anger. "You asked for us to be partners?"

"I might've recommended it to Zach when he was creating the teams." Petr gives a roguish grin.

"It's my pleasure," I reply with diplomacy I've learned as an officer.


He laughs. "No, it's really not, sir. But I appreciate it."

I can't turn down a request like this, especially from him. It's just a week and just an angry woman. It can't be that bad. After all, she's sexy as hell, even with the attitude.

"Your leg holding up okay?" I ask, glancing down at it.

"Awesome." He slaps it. "Can't wait to show the kids. I loved that shit when I was little."

Smiling, I motion to the door.

We exit the dorm into the humid, warm afternoon. I automatically take accountability whenever I walk into a room or situation involving my men. The others are there, and I'm not surprised to see Riley flirting with the brunette, Brianna. Katya is the only one missing, and I glance around.

"Horse stables, sir," Petr says before I can ask. "If you ever can't find her, she's there."

"I'll go get my partner," I say. Not about to show him how reluctant I am to be dealing with his sister, I strike off in the direction of the stables and follow the stone trail.

The trees rustle from a warm breeze while blue sky peeks through the canopy above. I breathe in the scent of forest deeply. I can't get the peppermint out of my nose, which makes me think there's a drop of it somewhere, maybe on my shoes. Being overseas, I've missed four seasons and vegetation such as this. The setting is serene, cheerful, and a little surreal.

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