"Thank you so much, Harris!" I squeeze him hard.

He laughs. "Anything for you, Kat."

"Katya!" Petr calls.

I release Harris to see Petr waving me over. The others are gazing at me, except for Captain Mathis, who is looking at Harris.

I go and wrap my arms around Petr.

"My sister, Katya," he introduces me and bear hugs me back. "Hasn't left my side in four fucking months."

"Language, Petr," I murmur.

He rolls his eyes. "This is my team. Captain Mathis you met, Riley Holland from the Navy SEALs, Ian Schneider from Air Force special ops, Carson Gray - a Green Beret Mikael and I trained with - and of course, Army Captain Harper Jacobson. She's our bridge between the no man's land where we operate and the rest of the world."

"Nice to meet you all." I shake hands with everyone except Captain Mathis. Knowing how rough things are where my brothers operate, I'm surprised to meet a woman among those he considers his teammates. Harper is toned and taller than me with a quick smile. I like her at once, especially knowing her job was to take care of my brothers.

"Oh, and Harris." Petr motions to the man standing a few feet behind me. The way he says it irritates me, but I keep quiet for once, wanting to know a bit more about those he considers friends.


There are eight of us total to act as camp counselors and kid wranglers for the one-week program. I'm starting to think I should've paid more attention when Zack and Baba were explaining what being a counselor entailed. I'm not too keen on camping.

Petr is so happy, though, that there's no part of me that's about to complain about being stuck in the forest for a week.

Since joining the military, Petr has a life I can't relate to. I felt left out many holidays when he and Mikael would return with stories about people they knew and places they'd been. This time, I get to meet his friends, and to spend a week with the man he's become …

… while also ensuring he doesn't do anything that the doctor has forbidden. I may not have brought my sleeping bag, but I've got a list in my pocket with activities he's not allowed to perform and emergency numbers if he does.

"Welcome!" My father's booming voice draws everyone's attention. He's standing on the porch of the reception and activity center. His eyes are glowing, his burly form dressed in jeans and a light sweater. "Come in, all of you!" Larger than life, my father is the reason my brothers turned out to be the characters they are. I take after my mother, who my father describes as more delicate.

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