My brothers were never really interested in me, let alone willing to consider me as a friend. If anything, they found me either a nuisance or amusing, depending on the issue. The fact Petr wants to be a friend is … amazing.

Wiping my cheeks, I nod. "I like the idea of us being friends," I decide.


"I'm still going to beat up any woman who hurts your feelings and yell at you sometimes."

"I'll beat up any more Harrises you bring home. Don't be surprised if I start pushing back when you yell. I've learned a few tips from Captain Mathis on handling challenging people."

I roll my eyes. The last thing I need is my brother turning into Sawyer.

"Deal? Friends?" he asks, extending his hand.

I sigh and nod. Instead of taking his hand, I hug him.

"You look beat. Go to bed," he says quietly. "Big day tomorrow."

"Don't kill anyone before I get up."


"I won't, Kitty-Khav."

I release him and start away.

"Thanks for listening." He stands and takes the bowls. "Sleep well, sis."

I feel like crying. Without another word, I go to my room. The house is insulated well enough that I don't hear the party below. I peek out the windows at everyone, though, recalling a time when I'd be the first person drinking and the last on my feet.

Blinking, I stare and then rub my eyes. My heart takes off, and I find myself leaning against the cold glass to see better.

For a split second, I thought I saw Sawyer Mathis.

"I'm more tired than I thought."

Not that it matters if I did. But I stand for a full five minutes, scouring the faces of everyone, just in case.

He's not there. I'm not sure whom I saw, but there's no way it's him.

Isn't that a good thing? Do I want it to be him?

I'm too tired to know for sure.

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