Publlishing Information

Seductive Synchronicity

Publisher: R.L. Ranch Press

A division of RuLabinsky Enterprises

ISBN: 978-09914205-06

Library of Congress Control Number: 2014952185


Book layout by: Steve Rubin

Cover art by: Diogo Landô

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Warning: This is an erotic story and should not be read to little children before bedtime.

For more information, please contact: R.L. Ranch Press, 4119 Alpine Road, Suite A, Portola Valley, California, 94028. Telephone: 650-851-2927, Fax: 650-851-9095. Or visit

This free preview consists of the first sixteen chapters (about one third) of my book, Seductive Synchronicity, published in November, 2015 by R.L. Ranch Press, a division of RuLabinsky Enterprises,

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