He kept one hand firmly on her shoulder, while the other massaged her scalp. It was a testament to him keeping his word that this would go slowly. She was relieved, because first of all she obviously had little self-control and secondly, if he touched her bare skin she would go up in flames and he would be going home much later than planned.

He broke off the kiss, moving his lips to her neck and ears. His breath was hot and damp on her skin. When he licked just behind her ear lobes she shivered and giggled. "Stop," she whispered. "That tickles."

"I know," he said, doing it again. Then he nibbled his way to that spot on her neck that always made her melt.

"It's so strange. Having someone know all the spots that make me react."

He laughed against her skin. "I have to stop though. I can't continue to do this without breaking the slow rule."

She started to remove herself from his lap. "I know. I realized that I have no self-control."

He held her in his lap. He brushed his lips across hers once more. "Just know, that I am reluctant. Being slow will be very difficult."

"I know. But, you have to go do your job and I have to be a mom."

"And a teacher."

"That too." She leaned forward and kissed him softly again. "We will figure out a routine. I'll figure out a way to, you know, be alone too. Colton does sleep away at friends sometimes."


"It's okay," he said.

"You can't be too understanding or I won't believe you are real." They shared a few more kisses and then Kip moved her off his lap.

"You have my cell number," he said. "Call and leave a message anytime. And with numbers and stuff and we'll do this." They were standing at the doorway.

"Thanks," she said. He bent and kissed her again. "Thank you for the car, too. I appreciate it."

"Let me know what's going on with your car too. K? Don't worry about it if you have go over the week."

"I won't. Promise. Good night Kip." He kissed her once more. And then went out the door. Mandy waited until his car was out of the driveway, before she closed and locked the door. She brushed her teeth slowly, shut off all the lights. When she was in her very empty, very cold bed, she let herself cry. For a very long time.

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