He found an empty parking space and pulled her out of the car. "Come on. We're going shopping."

"We are what?" She was too stunned by shy so she let him pull her body close to his as they walked down the street.

"Shopping. Don't worry I have a great sense of fashion." He squeezed her against him. It was a tight hold on his self-control to keep from kissing her cheek.

He pulled her into the one shop that sold clothes for their age group that was remotely trendy. It had nothing on the city, but it would do in a pinch.

He walked into the shop, his arm around her. He felt her tense when she saw two girls from his crowd standing in the shop. Kip lifted his hand in greeting, keeping a tight hold on Mandy.

It wasn't easy to find things in her size in this shop. He felt annoyance as he searched through the racks trying to find the size Mandy had given him with great reluctance. He manage to find two pairs of shorts and three shirts that he liked in the correct size. He pushed her towards the dressing rooms.

She crossed her arms and attempted to stare him down. "Mandy, if I have to I'll drag you in there and put the clothes on you myself. Go try them on. If you like it then you can show me. Okay?"

She huffed and then grabbed the clothes from his waiting hands. "Fine." She slammed the door shut behind her. Kip smiled.

"You're adorable when you're mad. It's a nice change from your usual shyness," he said, raising his voice to be heard in the dressing room.

She didn't reply. He heard the sound of rustling clothes. He could see her jeans and t-shirt on the floor under the door. And then the door squeaked open. She opened it enough to stick her face out. "I'm changed. You sure you want to see?"


Kip nodded. The anger had dissipated, but her guard was still down. Perfect. "Just open it enough for me to see."

She eased the door back. Kip moved so he could view her. The shorts were long and slightly baggy around her legs. The shirt was baggy and sleeveless. He could see a definition in her waist that hadn't been there before.

He stepped forward and pushed open the door. Taking her hands in his, he pulled her out. He stood her in front of the mirror and stood behind her. He kept her from crossing her arms across his chest. "Mandy look at yourself. Do you see how beautiful you are?"

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