"Okay, not the ass kicking I was looking for."

"Just a sec." Mandy listened while her friend conversed with the baby, who was obviously eating breakfast and making a big mess. It was heart warming, she needed to get to Saskatoon to visit them. Christmas break was coming up, she could make the extra trip to Saskatoon then. It would be a good distraction from what was going on in her own life.

"Sorry," Sophia said, returning. "Sorry I couldn't give you what you were looking for. But, just think about it. I think if you get together with him, tie up the loose ends and all those what ifs. You've been what iffing this guy for eleven years, you just never admit it. Why do you think you never go out with a guy for more than two dates?"

"Because, I never found a guy I meshed with."

"As well as you meshed with Kip. You are trying to replace him still."

"You're getting better with the ass kicking. Keep going."

"At least you aren't arguing with me."

"I haven't thought about it all yet."

"Just admit I'm right."

"You are right. Somewhat. Mostly. What else?"


"Just tell him you are in Red Deer, you'd love to get together. And hey if you can get some tickets to a game, uh, I could convince Tanner to come for a visit."

Mandy laughed. "I will let you know. I will be making a trip down for Christmas. Get your spare room ready for me."

"Uh, that's taken now. You can have the fold out sofa. That's the best I can offer."

"All right. I'll take that." There was a screech in the background of Sophia's line. "Someone's calling for Mom, I'll let you go. Thanks Soph."

"That's what I'm here for. Call me when you are getting close to catching up with him."

Mandy turned off the cordless phone and opened her bedroom door. Colton turned to look at her from his computer chair, not daring to ask what that was about. "You'd better eat some breakfast. We're supposed to go swimming after lunch with Mark.


Kip stared in shock at his email.

Kip, Well, okay, I was hesitant on reconnecting with you. There's just so much water under our bridge. I'm living in Red Deer with my son Colton who is 8. I teach grade four. Which I love. My times of being wary are through. I'd love to talk to you and find out all about your travels over the past few years. Y'know, be friends. Again -MG Mandy had written him back. Mandy was an hour from him, driving distance. From his home. Presently she was across the country, as he was playing in Toronto. He'd been home for like twelve days before this. Twelve days, at least three of which he could have jumped in his car and driven up to see her. Twelve days where she wrote him little notes, dropping tiny bits of information about her life, leaving him hungry for more.

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