"I love you," she murmured into his skin.

"I love you too," he said, lifting his body off hers. He kissed her softly before rolling to the side of her double bed. He propped his head on his elbow and looked down on her. He cupped her breast and brushed his thumb over the nipple.

Her body was still throbbing and she hissed in response. He grinned. "So, I really dislike how small your bed is."

"Sorry, I didn't buy it in plan to have a guy in it."

He laughed, moving his hand down her body, over her hip. "What I really meant to say is: Do you mind if I stick around here for a while? Like til you are ready to move?"

Mandy yawned. "Sorry," she said, smacking her hand over her mouth. "This all has worn me out."

"You're avoiding the question."

"I wasn't. You didn't give me a chance. Of course, you can stay. I'll call Monday morning and get this on the market. Oh and Colton wants to paint his new bedroom."

Kip laughed. "Boy, he does have a lot plans. My house will soon be your house. Which will be strange, but I'll do whatever it takes to make you at home.

But Mandy?"


She looked up into his concerned eyes. What else could there be?

"What if I get traded again? Would you come with me?"

"I won't let you go again. If you get traded, we'll figure it out. Together."

"All right." He softened and kissed her forehead. "Thank you."

Mandy smiled. "Lordisa, I haven't called my mother yet. What time is it?" She tried to squint at the clock, but was unable to see the numbers clearly.

"Watch," Kip reminded her. She laughed at herself. "It's, geez, 10 PM."

Mandy snorted. "We're really living it up, Turner."

"Well, I got up at 6 AM today. Bought a car, proposed," he tickled her belly, "had really amazing hero worship slash engagement sex. Which was pretty great by the way."

Mandy giggled, both at his tickling and his recount of the day's events. "Hey, I taught a bunch of 9 year olds all and I got engaged. And I have this great new car. I guess we have to take you to get your truck."

"I suppose. I'll have nothing to do all day while you're at work."

"Oh you can be my slave. Cook, and clean. What do you do in the off­season regularly?"

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