Mandy stood up and busied herself with fixing a healthy snack for Colton and herself.

"K, well I called 'cause we got that science test back. About the water cycle, yeah. I totally got like almost all the questions right. Well, just two wrong. But, the really hard stuff. I dunno, I'll show it to you next time I see you. Cool. Thanks Kip. You sure you don't wanna-" There was a long pause with lots of nodding and uhuhs. "Okay. Bye Kip." Colton handed Mandy the phone. She looked at it for a long moment, considering putting it against her ear, longing for just a taste of Kip. Instead she heard the beep consistent with the other party hanging up. Kip was gone. She could call him back, later.

No, she was going to take some time to get her head on straight again. She also had some marking work to catch up on. The end of the year was so close she could taste it. Most of her students had their learning outcomes down. The summer was looking like a welcome break. An uncertain break, but a needed break nonetheless.

She turned to an excited Colton, trying to catch his wave of energy. But her heart was very heavy. **** Kip dropped in on Corey the morning after the phone call with Colton. "Yo, man. What do I owe this honour? Come in." Corey held the door open, but then leaned in. "Uh, do you mind if there's a chick up there in the kitchen?"

Kip rolled his eyes. "Is she dressed?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Corey looked over his shoulder as if he was trying to check.

And Mandy felt sorry for this guy. Kip felt like slapping him upside the head, or cheering for him. He wasn't sure which. Either way the guy had the hottest women from the bar in his bed, most nights.

Not that it appealed to Kip. Hopefully before the next season he'd be a married man. Settled and saddled. Ball and chain.

He stopped short in the kitchen, looking at the black haired girl, well sort of black hair, there was a lot of streaked colours in there, sitting at Corey's table. Just because he was attached to Mandy did not mean he didn't have eyes in his head or a brain in his body. He wasn't sure where the blood had gone right now. Kip lifted a hand in greeting to the beauty. "Hi."

"Hi," the girl said, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she ate some kind of kid's breakfast cereal.


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