She picked up on the third ring. "Good morning, darling. To what do I owe this occasion?" She sounded chipper and he almost regretted calling her when he was in a bad mood.

"Martin woke me up with the news that Aleksander might be hurt. After I snapped at him, I was missing you. How is your morning going?"

"Just fine. The phone scared me a little. My heart works fine by the way. I'm missing you too. So, what's the news on little Aleksander?"

He smirked at the term 'little', the man was 6'5". "I don't know. Martin just heard rumours and thought maybe something happened at practice."

"Guess not. You excited? Worried about it?"

"Neither. I don't believe it."

"Well, keep me informed. Text me or whatnot if anything happens okay?"

"I will. Tell me about your day today."

He poured himself a coffee and sat at the dining room table. He closed his eyes, sipped the hot brew and listened to her talk passionately about her job. It was what drew him to her in the first place. He held back a sigh. They were only an hour apart, but it seemed like an entire ocean sometimes.

Eventually, Colton was up. Kip spoke to him for a moment and then they had to go, to get ready for school, for their lives far away from him.


For fuck's sake, what was with his defeatist attitude this morning. He was about to go up for a shower when the phone rang again. Martin. Again. With a deep sigh, he answered. "I hope it's good news. Then again, no news is good news."

Martin was silent for a moment. "I will think long and hard before waking you up early morning again," he said.

"It's not you. I'm just tired in general. Can't wait for the playoffs to finish up."

"Woman trouble," Martin said. What the hell did he know? Wasn't he on this third wife? Second? "Anyway, Lundin is injured. He, well, he was running down the stairs in his house and he twisted his ankle." No way. Things like that didn't really happen. "No word. You'll probably hear at practice tonight what it means for you."

"Day off. I'm going to Red Deer."

"Go find out first. Right, so. You're up at the plate. Make some magic happen and then you can get any contract you want."

Easier said then done, Kip thought with a scowl. He was beginning to dislike his agent. "Right. Well, thanks for letting me know. I'll hear from someone on the team today I'd guess."

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