Did I mention how sexy he is when he drinks? No? Well. I’m tempted to fan myself every time I watch him.

“Did you put on sunblock?” he asks, crushing the empty plastic bottle in his fist before he hands it back to me.

I clutch the bottle in my hand. “Maybe.”

He taps the tip of my nose with his index finger. “You’re turning pink. You need some.”

His concern for me is slightly over the top. Since what happened with Adele, he’s very overprotective. From always being there to pick me up when my shift is over at work to slathering on enough sunblock to his satisfaction, he wants to make sure I’m safe. I appreciate it more than he’ll ever know. “I’m trying to get a tan,” I tell him.

“You’re pretty tan already, baby.” He draws his finger across my bared shoulder, sending a shiver through me. “You know what my favorite thing in the world right now is?”

I frown. Where is he going with this? “What?”

He leans in close, his mouth hovering just at my ear. “Your tan lines,” he whispers. “And the fact that I’m the only one who gets to see them.”

I’m blushing. That he can still do that with a few words, a mere look, blows my mind. “You’re bad,” I say when he pulls away from me.

A grin flashes. “You like it.” He glances over his shoulder, checking out his teammates, who are all taking a break like he is. “Look, you should go on home. It’s too damn hot out here for you to sit around. I’ll be done in a few hours, okay?”

I nod, sad he’s kicking me out. But he’s right. It’s so hot outside. Owen’s around here somewhere, helping out with carrying the equipment, organizing stuff, handing out water and whatever else is needed. Drew got him the job, though it’s more of a volunteer thing.


Owen doesn’t care. He’s thrilled to be hanging out with a bunch of cool football players. Plus, it’s keeping him busy.

Keeping him out of trouble.

“I’ll see you later?” Drew asks, grabbing my hand so he can pull me in and give me a kiss.

“Of course.” I don’t work today. My job at The District is still going strong. Colin is a pretty great boss. I think he has the serious hots for Jen and she’s either blind or doesn’t want to see it. That place is like a hotbed for juicy sexy scandal anyway. Not that I play a part in any of it.

I’m riding the happily-ever-after wave with Drew, remember?

“I’m taking you out tonight. Don’t forget, okay?” He smiles at me and I smile back. We haven’t had much time to go out lately. Not that we really do. We prefer to stay home and watch movies. Make out a lot on the couch, as Owen likes to complain.

I did end up moving into that apartment with Owen…and Drew. After what happened with Adele in the parking lot, right in front of his old place, he wanted out of there. I was the one who offered for him to move in with me after a long discussion with Owen, making sure he was okay with it. Which he was.

Now we’re like one big happy family.

“Where are you taking me?”

“That’s a surprise.” His eyes darken, his expression turns ultra serious. “I love you. You know that, right?”

I frown. “Yeah, I know. I love you too. Lots.”


“Mega lots.”

“Sounds like a discount store.” He grins and kisses me again as if he can’t help himself.

“Come on, Callahan! Quit smooching on your girl and get over here!” one of his teammates yells, making us both laugh.

I watch him jog back to where they’re all standing in the middle of the field, my gaze never leaving him. He’s so gorgeous. He’s endured so much yet this is truly the happiest I’ve ever seen him.

I’ve gone with him to a few sessions with Dr. Harris and she pulled me aside at the last one, wanting to talk to me privately. She said she believes I heal him. That the reason he’s been able to cope so well with the aftermath of Adele’s suicide and the near mental breakdown of his father is because of the unconditional support I offer him so freely.

It’s only right, considering what he does for me. My mom has mostly fallen off the face of the earth. I can deal for the most part, but her disappearance has been a struggle for Owen. He doesn’t know how to handle it. Considering Drew remembers what it’s like to be an angry, screwed-up teenage boy, he spends a lot of time with my brother. To the point that one night, as we were drifting off to sleep, Drew confessed if this football thing didn’t work out for him, he was considering staying in school so he could become a counselor and help troubled teens.

I threw my arms around him and told him I thought that was a great idea.

He has the kindest, sweetest heart you could ever know. He’s funny, he’s smart, he knows just what to say to make me smile. He gets grumpy when things don’t go his way. Oh, and also when he’s hungry. He’s too much of a neat freak and I’m sort of a slob so that’s caused a few fights. I get hormonal and sort of bitchy during that time, so he tends to stay clear. My job stresses me out and I like to tell him he has no idea what I’m stressing over since he doesn’t work a real job.

Oh, that really pisses him off. I only said it once. I learn from my mistakes.


We argue. We make up—and that means makeup sex, which is awesome. We finally did it doggy-style months ago and I’m a total fan. No nipple rings, though. He won’t let me. Though we did get matching tattoos on the insides of our right wrists a few weeks ago.

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