I don’t care. He’s mine.

Despite being up half the night, I get up early and force Owen awake. Ply him with a real breakfast before I drive him to school using Drew’s truck. I need a car. More than I need furniture or anything else a freaking car would come in real handy. I can’t depend on Drew or Jen driving forever. Colin mentioned a few days ago he knew someone who manages a local dealership and could get me a deal. I might take him up on that offer.

Smiling, I park Drew’s truck in his assigned spot and shut off the engine. For the first time since I don’t know when, I’ve surrounded myself with people who I can call my friends. Jen, T, Colin…Drew. The list isn’t long but it’s getting there. I know my life isn’t perfect, that I’ll be facing more struggles. The issue with my mom is far from resolved.

But for once in my life, I feel like I’m in a good place.

The weather turned dreary overnight, though the dark clouds heavy with rain don’t spoil my mood. The wind whips up, bending the little trees that dot the apartment complex property, and I climb out of the truck, forcing the door open against an extra-hard gust of air. I hit the keyless remote and start toward the Drew’s apartment building, when I hear a voice straight out of my nightmares.

“Well, look at you. Moving in with him. Driving his truck. Aren’t you all cozy and snug in your seemingly perfect little life?”

I turn to find Adele standing before me, a smirk on her face. She looks odd. Still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, her hair’s a mess, as if she hasn’t brushed it, and her eyes are wide as she stares at me. A huge, expensive-looking dark brown leather purse is slung over her shoulder and she clutches it close.

Weirdly close.

“What are you doing here?” I try to keep my voice casual but she’s freaking me out a little. Something’s not quite right with this picture.

“Looking for you.” She smiles.

A chill trickles down my spine at first sight of that weird smile. “Yeah, right.”


“No, really. I wanted to talk to you. Maybe we should go somewhere and chat.” She waves a hand behind her. “My car is around the corner. Let’s go.”

Like I’ll just take off with her because we’re best friends and all. The woman is delusional.

Slowly shaking my head, I start toward Drew’s apartment. “I don’t think so.” She steps in front of me, halting my progress, and I glare at her. “Listen, I don’t want any trouble. Just let me get by, okay?”

“No.” Her smile grows. It’s really creeping me out. “Drew can’t save you now. You’re coming with me.” She reaches inside her bag and pulls out a handgun, aiming it right at me.

I blink slowly and throw my hands up in surrender, backing up a step. The woman is crazed. All that talk about your life flashing before your eyes right before you think you’re going to die?

Yeah, that’s happening to me at this very moment. Making me realize I’ve hardly lived my life at all.

No way am I going to let some greedy maniac bitch take it all away from me.

“Don’t make a scene.” The wind blows her hair across her face and she bats it away with her free hand, causing her to wave the gun around. I take another small step back, contemplating trying to run for it, but I have no idea if that gun’s loaded or not. Or if she’s a good shot.

I’d rather not take that chance.

“I’m not making a scene,” I murmur, trying to keep my voice even. Calm. “What do you want from me, Adele?”

She throws back her head and laughs. Everything about her actions is exaggerated. Over the top. “I want everything you have. Well, not necessarily everything. You’re an ugly little slut who deserves nothing, you know that?”

Her words are so full of venom I almost recoil. Instead I stand my ground. “Let me get by. I’ll forget this ever happened if you just let me go.”

“No.” She waves the gun again, pointing it right at me. “You know what I really want? I wish you would just…disappear. That would make my life so much easier. No more worrying about Andrew falling in love with a whore. I could have him all to myself. I deserve him, you know. I created him. I made him the man he is today.”

I don’t argue with her. Have a feeling she wouldn’t listen anyway.

“My husband hates me,” she continues, clearly on a roll. “Did you hear about that? Of course, you did. I try to be honest with him so he understands me better and instead he tells me he never wants to see me again. According to my husband, I destroyed both him and his son. And my daughter.” Tears streak down her cheeks, a little sob escaping her. “Doesn’t he see how much he destroyed me? How they both destroyed me after Vanessa’s death? It’s their fault she’s gone.”

I can almost—not quite, but almost—feel sorry for her. The death of any family member is horrible. The death of a small child must be absolutely devastating.

“Both of the Callahan men hate my guts and I have nothing to live for anymore. Absolutely nothing. It’s all your fault, you know,” Adele says matter-of-factly.

My jaw practically drops to the ground. And I almost felt sorry for her somehow? “How is it my fault?”

“You came into his life and ruined everything. Everything. You made Andrew want to reveal the truth. You made him stay away from me. He was mine, you stupid bitch. All mine until you came along and stole him away from me.”

He was never really hers. But you can’t argue with crazy.

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