“It’s none of your goddamn business,” I bite out. “You call Fable a slut one more time, I won’t be held responsible for what I do to you.”

“Such anger. You know, I’m surprised the two of you are still together. I didn’t pick her as your type.” She tilts her head and smiles. “You deserve someone so much prettier, a better match for you. You have so much potential. Too much to squander it all on a stupid girl like Fable.”

Adele spits out Fable’s name like it’s poison. Fable does much the same with Adele’s name. “I already told you, watch what you say.”

She waves a hand. “What are your plans for the future anyway, hmm, Drew? Do you plan on moving on to pro ball? I know that’s your dream. I think you could do it. You’ve always chased your dreams and accomplished so much at such a young age.”

What is she talking about? “I’m not discussing my future with you or what I plan on doing next. You need to leave.”

Her eyes widen in feigned shock. “Why, Drew, I can’t believe you would say such a thing to me. Are you that eager to get rid of me?”

“Yes,” I tell her bluntly.

We stare at each other blindly for a long, uncomfortable moment, until finally her eyes narrow and she rests her hands on her hips. “I’m going to tell him, Andrew. I’m going to tell your dad about you and me and what we did. What we made. Vanessa. There’s nothing you can do to stop me either.”

All the blood feels like it drains from my body. “Why would you do that?”

“I need to come clean.” She shrugs. “I need to get my sins off my chest, Andrew. You’re my biggest sin. Did you know that? I’ve never done anything so wicked as what I did with you.”

“Shut up.” If I could slap my hands over my ears to drown out what she’s saying like some sort of little kid, I would. “Just shut up.”


“Truth hurts, doesn’t it? Imagine what it’ll do to your dad. Oh, it’ll tear him up. Destroy him and his relationship with you. You’ll lose him forever.” She smiles. “I’ve already lost him. What does it matter if you lose him too?”

“Get out,” I tell her. She’s already overstayed. I need her gone. Fable’s due home any minute and I can’t risk a confrontation.

“Don’t be so quick to send me home now. I fully plan on telling your father everything the second I see him.” She heads toward the door, her walk smooth, her head held high as if she were some sort of queen. The perfect image she must keep up has to be exhausting. I should know. I did much of the same thing for years.

“Why would you want to do that to him? To me? I thought you loved him.” I don’t understand why she needs to do this.

“I don’t love him. He doesn’t fulfill me. I stay with him for the beautiful house and the cars and the jewelry and the money. I don’t think I’ve loved him for years.”

This isn’t my problem. None of what she’s saying has anything to do with me. That she would be so hard and cold, talking about my father, is hard for me to swallow but I need to push past it all and get rid of this bitch.

But before I can so much as push Adele out of the apartment, the door swings open and Fable walks in, stopping short when she sees who’s standing in front of her.


Seeing Adele in Drew’s living room nearly sends me stumbling backward. Luckily enough I’m able to gain my footing so I don’t make a fool of myself.

Also luckily enough, I find my voice immediately. “What the f**k is she doing here?” I ask, looking pointedly at Drew.

Adele laughs her bitch cackle. “As crude as ever, I see. The epitome of class, aren’t you, Fable?”

“At least I don’t pretend to be full of class when so clearly you’re not, considering you like to molest teenage boys.” I slam the door, realization dawning on me, and I look at Drew. “Where’s Owen?”

“In his room,” Drew says, his voice gentle. “He’s safe. I promise.”

“You two treat me like some sort of common child molester out to pick up little boys off the street when you couldn’t be further from the truth.” Adele sends Drew a warm smile, which totally creeps me out. “He seduced me as well, you know. I mean, look at him. He’s always been a beautiful boy.”

The bitch just crossed a line and now I’m crossing one right back. I don’t know what’s come over me, what possesses me to do something so crazy, there will be an eventual price to pay.

But here I go. It’s like it’s all happening in slow motion and I know I’m going to do it before I actually complete the act.

I launch myself at her. Take her to the ground so hard, I hear her scream of pain when her body hits the floor. I’m sitting on top of her, tugging at her long, sleek hair, trying to scratch her beautiful smug face like I’ve always wanted to do. I want to beat the crap out of her and leave her as bruised and battered on the outside as she left Drew bruised and battered on the inside.

Doing all that, I know I still won’t be satisfied.

“Fable, Jesus, stop!” Drew is yelling at me but I won’t listen. I’m ready to tear this bitch apart. I’m pulling her hair, scratching at her, cocking my fist back as if I’m going to punch her square in the face, and that’s when Drew grabs hold of my arm, stopping my fist from making a connection with Adele’s jaw. “Get off her. Now.”

I’m shaking, full of rage and fear and adrenaline. Both of us are panting, the sound filling the otherwise quiet room. Adele stares up at me with her dark, mysterious eyes and I wonder what happened in her past to turn this woman into such a complete f**k-up.

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