I hope she believed me when I told her I think she’s amazing. I really do admire the way she handles herself in the face of adversity. She’s so f**king strong and I’ve felt mostly weak my entire life. Feeling sorry for myself and running from my problems has gotten me nowhere.

Being with Fable, even for just that short week, changed me forever. Made me realize I can be strong. I might relapse and fall back into old habits, but being with her again is the reminder I need to keep going.

Keep being strong.

We polish off the pizza and the movie ends, since we came into it more than halfway through. It’s like we both realize the only thing left to do is talk and she’s quiet, chipping off the bright red polish that covers her short nails. Her hair hangs in front of her face and I study it, realizing the shade is different.

“Your hair is darker,” I say out of nowhere.

She glances up at me with a small smile. “You finally noticed.”

“When did you change it?”

“A few days ago.” She focuses her attention on me instead of her chipped-up nails. “Promise you won’t get mad?”

Okay, that’s weird. “Promise.”

“My boss asked that I change it. He said my old color made me look cheap.”

Anger fills me. “He sounds like an ass**le.” My impression of him lessens with every thing I learn about the guy.


“He’s really not, because you know what? He was right. I’m a natural blonde but I started highlighting my hair in high school. I kept on bleaching it and damaged the hell out of it too. So Colin took me to a salon, had them cut off a few inches and darken the color. Now I’m like a new version of myself.”

“I liked the old version too,” I say stiffly. “You don’t wear as much makeup either.”

“I gave that up after I came back from Carmel. I was just hiding behind the eyeliner, you know.” She shakes her head. “Do you like the new me?”

“I like everything about you,” I say. “The old you, the new you. All of you.”

She smiles and scoots closer to me. “You say the sweetest things.”

“I mean every word.”

“I know.” She braces her hand on the edge of the coffee table and gets on her knees, coming in so close she brushes her knees against my thigh. “I love that about you. You never, ever hold back what you want to say when it comes to me.”

Turning my head, I meet her gaze. She used the word love so casually and it makes me wonder. Makes me remember what Dr. Harris said. How Fable should be worth the risk if I really am in love with her.

And I know without a doubt I’m in love with her. I can’t deny it.

“Tell me what happened today,” she whispers, her pretty green eyes sparkling in the dim light the lamp is throwing on us. “With your dad.”

I sigh, wishing we didn’t have to go there. Knowing it’s necessary to keep our relationship honest. “My dad came here a few days ago to visit me.”

She looks taken aback. “Really?”

“Yeah. He announced that he was divorcing Adele.”

Her eyes narrow at first mention of Adele’s name and I love that. Her immediate defense of me against the woman who irrevocably damaged me is mind-blowing. “That should be a good thing.”

“It is.” I blow out a harsh breath. “He called me this afternoon and said he was reconsidering his decision.”


“He says when he went home, they sort of…reconciled.” I don’t go into detail like my dad did. I figure Fable didn’t want to know all of that other bullshit I wish I could forget.

“Can I be honest?” she asks.

“Please do.” I need her opinion.

“Your dad is an idiot if he goes back to her.”

I laugh softly. “Trust me, I already know this.”

“Why would he even consider it?” She wrinkles her nose and it’s so cute, I lean in and kiss her there.

“Because she’s a master manipulator and she has my dad’s number.” Which must be sex and lots of promises that will most definitely be broken.

“So your dad got your hopes up in thinking she’ll forever be out of your life and then ruined it all by saying he’s getting back together with her.” Fable leans back on her haunches, resting her clenched hands in her lap. She looks ready to punch someone. “And you panicked and called your psychologist for an emergency session on a Sunday afternoon. She sounds like a miracle shrink if you ask me.”

Sort of like my miracle girlfriend, though I don’t say that. How’d I get so lucky to have not just one but two supportive women in my life? “You nailed it.”

“I’m so sorry, Drew.” Reaching out, she touches my cheek, her fingers gently stroking my skin. “Did it help, talking everything over with her?”

“Yeah.” I close my eyes because her fingers on my face feel so damn good and I want to savor her touch just a little longer. I sense her moving closer, feel the brush of her lips against mine, as light as a feather, and I remain perfectly still, afraid to move for fear of breaking the spell that’s suddenly come over us.

“Would it help talking to me?” She kisses me again, her lips capturing my bottom one only, giving it a little tug before she releases it.

Damn, that felt incredible. Last night and this morning with her had been amazing, but I rushed it in my need to be inside her. She deserves more than that. She deserves to be kissed for hours.

“It always helps, talking to you.” I reach out before she can pull away, my eyes still closed though I know exactly where she is. I curl my hand around her nape and haul her in, our lips perfectly aligned, her breath hot and sweet against my mouth. “Maybe we should talk more later, though. I’m sort of all talked out.”

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