Hunter immediately grasped Molly’s hand as if to make sure she didn’t start an argument with Lydia now. Little did he know she wouldn’t think of it. As far as she was concerned, they had two alternative suspects. Lydia had no alibi and she’d fought with her lover the very night of the murder and the Mayor had been swindled by the victim.

“We can’t thank you enough for talking to us,” Hunter said.

Lydia nodded. “You’re welcome for whatever good it did.”

Hunter paused by the door. “Can I give you some advice?” he asked, then continued before she could reject his offer. “Leave this motel room and the memories behind and go home to rebuild your life. There’s nothing good that can come of you wallowing here.”

“Goodbye, Lydia,” Molly said softly.

The other woman raised a hand in goodbye.

They stepped back out into the fresh air and heard the lock of the motel-room door behind them. Once in the stairwell, Molly turned to Hunter, unable to contain her excitement. “Do you realize what we found out? We’ve got two more possible suspects!”

Hunter leaned against the stuccoed outdoor walls. “It’s not that simple.”

“I don’t understand.” She fought against the panic about to swamp her. She didn’t want to hear anything negative that would dampen her spirits or threaten what she thought was positive news for her father.

“We’re on the same side, Molly. But you need to be both realistic and objective. We’d like to see alternative suspects. The police refuse to consider them. You see Lydia not having an alibi. I’m afraid the jury will see a woman who made a mistake by having an affair with a married man, but who was swayed by his false promises. I’m afraid they’ll sympathize with her and if we use her as a witness, she’s obviously going to go after your father as the murderer. She’s not going to help our case.”

Molly swallowed hard. “And the mayor? Why isn’t he an alternative suspect?”


“Because as far as we know, he caused no trouble for Paul. He lost his land but won the election. This situation merely compounds Paul’s bad character, but it doesn’t exonerate your father. And frankly I don’t see how we could ever get it admitted in court unless we find evidence the mayor threatened Paul.” Hunter ran a hand through his hair, obviously frustrated. “I’m sorry,” he said, reaching for her.

Molly allowed him to pull her into his arms and hold her tight. “Sometimes I hate you for being so professional.”

His hand slid up her back. “I’m hoping it’s the objective professional who’s going to find the key that’ll free your father. We’ll figure it out,” he promised her.

“I’m going to hold you to that.”

“Just like I’m going to hold you to your promise to put the case behind us until we get home tomorrow. We spoke to Lydia, we talked about what we found out. Now we take the rest of today and tonight as ours. Tomorrow, once we get back, we’ll figure out what to do next. But tonight is ours. ”

Molly had no desire to argue—she was in desperate need of his arms around her and his ability to make her forget her problems, at least for one night.


WHEN HUNTER HAD CALLED and booked the suite, he’d asked that a few simple luxuries be waiting for them. Sure enough, when they walked into the room, the lights had been dimmed and his request had been filled.

Molly strode around him, taking in the setting. A bottle of champagne sat chilling in an ice bucket, and a platter of fruit and an assortment of sandwiches and desserts had been left by the window, next to a large arrangement of flowers.

“This is great. I’m starving and there’s food waiting.” Her gaze swept over the rest of the goodies. “And champagne. Expensive champagne,” she said, turning to Hunter. “You shouldn’t have.”

He shrugged, embarrassed. When he wasn’t sure what to do, he had a tendency to overdo. Like ordering enough food for half a dozen people because he hadn’t been certain what Molly would like.

He slipped his hands into his front pants pocket and shrugged. “I wanted you to enjoy.”

Her lips curved up in a sensual smile. “I’m with you. How could I do anything else?” Walking closer, she pulled up to her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. “You’re generous and kind,” she murmured. “Not to mention sexy.” She ran her fingers through his hair, taking obvious pleasure in just touching him.

That easily, Molly chased his embarrassment away and desire filled Hunter instead. “You said you were hungry,” he forced himself to remind her.

“I am hungry. For you.” She slid her hands around his waist, letting her fingertips dip into his pants. Her warm fingers splayed against him.

A low growl escaped his throat. “You’re playing with fire,” he warned her.

“That’s because I want to get burned,” she said as she undid the closure on his slacks.

His pants slid to the floor and he stepped out of them, then kicked off his shoes and socks. He pulled off his shirt and added it to the pile.

Hunter looked up and met Molly’s steady gaze. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes filled with yearning for him alone, and his heart did a crazy flip in his chest. He ought to heed that warning, he thought, but he was too primed and ready to listen to anything that resembled common sense.

Without warning, he lifted her into his arms. She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I don’t need you to carry me,” she said, but her laughter told him she enjoyed his display of masculine dominance.

“I know. You’re an independent woman.” He strode to the bedroom beyond the outer suite and lowered her onto the bed. “But just this once, you’re going to submit to me.”

Though he laughed, he hadn’t realized how much he wanted just that. Her submission. He needed Molly to admit how much she cared, that she could trust—not just any man—but him.

“Oh, come on. You don’t want me to submit. You want me actively participating.” She practically purred as she slid her fingers beneath his briefs until she clasped his erection in her hands and slid her thumb over the sensitive head.

He groaned, growing thicker in her grasp. “You do have a point.” She lay on the bed as he stood over her, but he had to admit that as long as she cupped him in her hand, she had control. And he didn’t mind a damn bit.

“You planned everything else, so please tell me you brought protection?” Her voice forced him to open his eyes.

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