“Just this one time. As a favor to me.” Hunter stretched his upper body across the counter, turning on his potent sexuality. “The truth is, I have some information about what really happened to her fiancé, so if you could just point me in her direction, I’m sure she’ll be extremely grateful. As will I.”


“Please?” Hunter shot her his sexiest grin.

The one he usually reserved for her, Molly thought, unable to tamp down her jealousy, no matter how inappropriate it might be.

“Okay. Room 215. Just don’t tell anyone I told you.”

“Your secret’s safe with me. Thank you.” He squeezed the other woman’s hand tight before turning to Molly. “Let’s go, sis.”

Molly gritted her teeth and followed him out the door, and around back where the rooms were. Typical of a motel, the second-floor rooms were accessible from stairs in the parking lot.

Once they were far out of sight and hearing range of the front desk, she grabbed Hunter’s arm to catch his attention. “Sister? You called me your sister!”

He turned. “And you played the part well. You stayed in the background and let me—”

“Turn on the charm so you could get the information you needed,” Molly said. “It was a good plan,” she admitted.

“Well, thank you.” His lips turned upward in a smile. “You know how I said I liked you in bright colors?”


She nodded warily.

“Well, I especially like you in green. ” Amusement lit his voice as he teased her.

Molly clasped her arms against her chest. “I was not jealous of some bleached-blonde bimbo with big boobs.”

“No?” Hunter stepped closer, challenging her to admit the truth.

She frowned. “Maybe a little.”

“Maybe you have no reason to be jealous. Maybe I like real boobs better than fake ones. And maybe I like your boobs most of all.” He dipped his head and pressed a lingering kiss to her lips, leaving no doubt about who held his interest for now.

Forgiveness is divine, Molly thought and kissed him back, slipping her tongue between his lips, savoring his masculine taste for a long moment before lifting her head. “Sorry I pitched a jealous fit.”

He laughed. “I kind of liked it.”

“Well, don’t let it go to your head, okay?”

“Okay. Ready to go find Lydia McCarthy?” he asked.

“More than ready. What a bonus that she’s actually here.”

Hunter grasped her hand and together they made their way up one small flight of stairs, then followed the signs to room 215.

Molly raised her hand and knocked. To her surprise, the door quickly opened wide and Lydia, her father’s office secretary whom she’d met many times, stood before them.

“You’re not the pizza delivery,” Lydia said, her voice flat.

“No, but we need to talk to you.”

Molly made a move to step inside but Lydia blocked her way. “I have nothing to say to you or your father. I’m sorry, Molly, I like you but we’re on opposite sides now.” She pushed the door shut, but Hunter wedged his foot inside.

“Please, Lydia. We have nothing against you. We know you’re grieving over Paul. We just don’t want an innocent man to go to prison and you might know something that could help us,” Molly said. “Please.”

Hunter placed a supportive hand on her back and she leaned into him, grateful he stood by her side right now.

“A few minutes,” Lydia said in a begrudging voice.

“Thank you.” Molly followed her inside, Hunter coming behind her.

Lydia gestured to two chairs by sliding glass doors that overlooked a parking lot. Molly and Hunter settled in while she took a seat on the bed.

From the other woman’s puffy eyes, she’d obviously been crying. And from her general disheveled appearance, she hadn’t left this motel room in quite a while. Molly almost felt sorry for the woman. But the fact that she’d been having an affair with a married man, that she was willing to believe the general had killed his best friend and partner, and that she’d deserted Molly’s father and his business in their time of need, made it hard.

“Ms. McCarthy, my name is Daniel Hunter. I’m General Addams’s lawyer. I’d just like to ask you a few questions about the night Paul was killed. We already know about your relationship with the victim, so I’m not going to push you for details you aren’t comfortable discussing.”

“I appreciate that,” Lydia said.

“So how long have you been hiding out here?” Molly asked.

Hunter leaned forward in his seat. “What she means is, how long have you been here? It can’t be good for you to be alone right now.”

Molly nodded and decided then and there to bite her tongue. Although she’d wanted to question Lydia, she knew Hunter would have more finesse in handling her. Right now, Molly was too upset to use any tact.

“Paul and I used to stay here together. I came here to be closer to him. I wasn’t much good to anybody at home.” Lydia pulled a tissue from the box on the bed and blew her nose. “Look, I didn’t do anything. I didn’t see anything. I don’t know what you want from me.”

Hunter cleared his throat. “I want you to tell me what happened the night Paul died.”

“Fine.” She rose from the bed and walked around the small room. “You already said you knew Paul and I were involved. He’d been promising to leave his wife for years and marry me. He swore he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.”

Molly opened her mouth but Hunter’s hand clamped down on her leg, clearly warning her to shut up. She did.

“And that night?”

“Well, it all started that day. Paul and Frank had an argument over money. I didn’t know exactly what happened, but they fought badly and Paul stormed out. He returned later that night and he was angry. I’d never seen him so furious.” She paused and glanced at Hunter. “He said he’d had a fight with Sonya. That she didn’t understand him and never would. He told me he’d taken an exorbitant amount of money from the business and he’d gambled it away. All of it.”

“Gambling?” Molly asked, surprised.

“Here in Atlantic City,” Hunter said.

Lydia nodded. “Many of his business trips included side visits here. I’d meet him at this motel for the weekend. He gave me money for spa treatments and massages and he’d go to the casino. I never thought much of it and frankly I didn’t care.”

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