Lacey shook her head. “This is how I see things. Hunter is a big-shot lawyer. The best there is, in fact. But deep inside he is still and always will be the wounded, unwanted little boy. When someone crosses him or hurts him, especially someone he loves, the only reason he can think of is that he’s fallen short.”

Lacey glanced over at the two men who played each other, laughing and hurling insults like brothers. “Ty and I are the only two people who can insult him and get away with it because we lived through the hell along with him.”

Molly swallowed hard, the swelling in her throat hurting beyond belief. “I can’t break through that kind of pain. I’m only human. I’m going to make mistakes and if the past is any indication, I’m going to make lots of them.”

“But you love Hunter and he loves you. That’s going to overcome the other stuff if you let it.” Lacey spoke with the certainty of someone who’d been there.

“Nobody said anything about love. ” Molly may have thought it to herself, but she’d never admitted it aloud. And as for Hunter, at this point he was as far from being in love with her as he could get.

Lacey shrugged. “Nobody had to say it. It’s obvious to anyone. You just need to be aware of what he needs, too.”

Molly closed her eyes, wishing it were so easy. When she opened them again, the room was spinning. “Would you mind if we headed home? My head’s killing me.”

Lacey glanced her way with concern. “Sure. Let me get the guys.”

Molly lay her head in her hands and waited for the cavalry to return.


HUNTER INSISTED Molly drive home with Ty and Lacey in their car. He figured her head must have hurt too badly to fight him because she willingly crawled into the backseat and lay down for the trip.


When they reached the house, all lights but the porch ones were out, so he decided not to invite Ty and Lacey inside. They promised to touch base tomorrow before driving home, and after thanking them and saying good-night, Hunter turned his attention to Molly.

He helped her into the house, stopping short of carrying her inside because if he knew Molly, she’d pull herself together long enough to hit him if he even tried. He led her up the stairs and into her bedroom, careful not to make noise and wake anyone. As they made their way down the hall, she curved her body into his, for the first time since he could remember showing her vulnerability.

He sure as hell didn’t need this now, not when his defenses had to be high and on alert. Still, he eased her into her double bed and followed directions, handing her an old T-shirt to change into. He even helped her, gritting his teeth as his hands brushed her bare skin and he caught sight of her dusky ni**les beneath her skimpy lace bra.

She collapsed against the pillows and knowing he had no choice, he undid her jeans, slid down the zipper and wiggled the denim off her long legs. A man would have to be a saint to ignore her pale flesh and tempting scent. Hunter was no saint, but Molly was sick and that had him keeping his hands to himself.

“Well I certainly ruined your night out with your friends,” Molly said to Hunter in a pain-filled voice.

“I can see them anytime. I’m guessing this is a migraine?”

“Yeah.” She hadn’t moved her head an inch since lying down. “Can you do me one more favor?”

“Name it,” he said in a gruff voice.

Ever since Lacey had interrupted their game of pool to tell them Molly wasn’t feeling well, his protective instincts had kicked in. Where there had once been hurt and anger, he now felt a deep caring and concern.

And that worried him most of all.

She didn’t reply right away and he could see it hurt her to talk. Finally, she said, “There’s a prescription bottle in the top dresser drawer. Can you get me one of the pills and a cup of water?”

“You got it.” He took care of her request in record time.

Hunter helped her sit up so she could take the painkiller, then gently laid her back against the pillows.

“Shut the light?” she asked, her eyes already closed.

He grinned. “Bossy thing. Can I get you anything else?”

“No, but thanks for everything.”

“Anytime,” he said, his voice gruffer than he was used to, filled with a caring he didn’t recognize. “Time for you to get some sleep.” He started to rise from the bed.

“Stay with me? Please?”

He couldn’t deny her request as much as self-preservation told him he should. “Sure.” He kicked off his shoes and swung his legs onto the mattress, easing himself beside her. “Why don’t you tell me a little about these headaches,” he said.

“Nothing to tell, really. I’ve had them for as long as I can remember but lately they’ve been more manageable. Tonight’s the first bad one in a long, long time.” She picked up the cold cloth, turned it to the other side and placed it back on her forehead.

He caught her wince with any movement. “I’m sure it’s stress related.” And he wasn’t helping.

Molly was dealing with the possibility of losing her father, a man she’d just recently found and Hunter was punishing her for the choices she’d made regarding the man. Shit. Maybe Ty was on to something when he’d mentioned him having impossibly high standards.

Hunter wasn’t a man who liked being wrong. He didn’t like admitting it, either. Thank goodness Molly wasn’t in any position to be having a long conversation. Which didn’t mean he couldn’t make it up to her another way.

Hunter popped the snap on his pants, loosening them for comfort, and eased himself closer to Molly. “C’mere,” he said.

She snuggled into him, rested her head on his shoulder and let out a long, contented sigh. Hunter was anything but content. He inhaled her fragrant scent and he liked how she felt curled into him. He liked taking care of her. Too much.

They lay that way in silence and soon Molly’s breathing evened out. She’d fallen asleep, but for Hunter, it was destined to be a long, sleepless night.


JESSIE LOOKED at the clock on her nightstand. She knew it was early in the morning but she couldn’t wait another second to talk to Molly. Last night she’d accidentally looked in the bottom of Molly’s closet—okay, she’d been snooping—and she’d found a suitcase full of colorful clothes. Sweaters, scarves, funky jewelry and other really cool stuff. She wanted to borrow some of Molly’s things, but to ask, she’d have to admit she’d been snooping. Jessie weighed her options and decided Molly wanted Jessie to like her as much as Jessie wanted to wear Molly’s things. So she felt sure they could work out an understanding.

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