With a move she barely noticed, he flipped them, bringing her underneath him, now plunging his shaft deeper inside her.

“Now we bond,” she heard his voice, before she felt his mouth at her neck. His tongue licked her skin, making it tingle, and then his fangs connected, breaking through her skin, burying themselves in her.

There was no pain, only pleasure when she felt his sucking motion and knew her blood transferred from her body to his. Then Samson’s deep guttural moan reverberated in her body.

A lightheadedness spread within her as if she was floating on a cloud, and she took more of him. His blood streamed down her throat and warmed her from the inside, awoke every cell and made her entire body tingle. Like electricity it travelled through her veins, igniting sensations previously unknown, lighting a flame inside her.

Her womb clenched with need, wanting and accepting his body and soul and offering hers in return. Delilah felt his raw power and strength as his shaft drove deeper into her, filling her, completing her.

She ground against him, asking for more. Samson’s body tightened even further under her demand, and his cock expanded in her already tight channel. With every movement, withdrawing, then thrusting again, he teased each nerve ending in her body and made the fire inside her burn hotter.

There was no need to speak, because she sensed everything he felt. How he needed her blood inside him, how his cock yearned for release, to spill himself and plant his seed. Her own desire to receive him grew with every second.

Delilah felt every cell in her body burn, hurtling her toward her climax. He was there with her, tumbling into the abyss as their bodies found their release within each other. Floating, carrying each other, connected.

When she released his shoulder, she felt him do the same. A moment later, his tongue smoothed over the area.

“Oh, Samson!”

He kissed her, catching her as she came down from her high. “I’m here, sweetness, I’m here.”


She panted heavily. Had she even breathed during the entire time? She couldn’t remember. “You didn’t tell me it would be so amazing.”

Samson chuckled softly. “The deeper the love, the more intense the bonding.”

Delilah brushed her lips to his. “I could feel you.”

“And I could feel you. Your heart is pure. I’m honored you gave it to me.” He kissed her tenderly.

“I’m going to love living here with you,” she said.

“We should talk to Amaury tomorrow to find us a new house though. This is going to get too small,” Samson claimed.

Too small? Samson’s house was a large Victorian. Her own tiny place in New York could fit into it at least five times. “This is large enough for us. It’s just you and me. I don’t need much space.”

She noticed a rather sheepish grin build around his mouth.

“Yes, but it’s not always just going to be only you and me. To start off we’ll need a nursery, and then when the kids are a little bigger, they’ll probably all want their own rooms and—”


“Yes, our kids. I know you want them.”

“But you told me you can’t have any. Vampires can’t have children.”

“That’s true, in general, but there’s one exception. When a vampire male bonds with a human female the ritual changes their DNA. Once you complete your first cycle after the blood-bond, I can impregnate you.”

“Impossible.” She shook her head.

“Do you remember the mayor?”

Delilah nodded.

“I told you that he’s a vampire, but that’s not the whole truth. He’s a vampire hybrid, a vampire born to a human mother and a vampire father. There are few of them, but they exist. They have vampire and human traits. They can subsist on blood as well as human food. They can be in the sun without burning and have the strength and speed of a vampire. They have strengths of both species, and weaknesses of none. Our children will grow up like human children, and when they reach maturity, they’ll stop aging just like any vampire.”

Delilah’s eyes filled with tears. “We can have children?”

“As many as you want. I’ll love every single one of them.”

Delilah sniffed. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Samson kissed her tears away. “I wanted to give you one last surprise. It’s going to be pretty hard surprising you from now on.”

She laughed. He was right. Already now she could feel other things about him, as if she was in his head. “So, when are we going to have that human wedding you’re planning?”

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