“I understand I have you to thank.”

Gracie shook her head vehemently. “No. It was Ramie who was able to find you. And Ari . . .” Gracie swiveled and waved her hand at the captive men in various places on the floor. “Ari did the rest.”

Dane snorted. And then he sent pained looks in Caleb’s, Beau’s and Zack’s directions.

“It would appear we have three Valkyries hell-bent on saving our asses at every turn.”

Eliza grinned. “Is this where I say ‘yay girl power’?”

Ramie pressed forward, though she was careful not to touch Eliza. Once had been enough for Ramie to endure Eliza’s torture. She wasn’t eager to repeat the experience.

“Are you truly all right, Eliza?” Ramie asked anxiously.

Eliza’s entire face warmed as she glanced between Ramie and Gracie. “Thanks to very dear friends—girlfriends—yes, I’m fine. Can’t say I won’t have nightmares after this, but give me a few days and I’ll be back on the job.”

Then she glanced fiercely at Dane as if daring him to refuse.

“I want in on the takedown, Dane.”

Dane’s jaw clenched as though it were the very last thing he wanted to allow, but he nodded tightly. “Of course. But only after you’ve had a few days to heal. It will take that time to coordinate a takedown of this size. They have no reason to suspect we know where they’re hiding. They believe they’re invincible and impervious to any danger.”


“That’s where they’re wrong,” Zack said darkly.

“Are you all fucking crazy?” Wade roared.

Gracie jumped, startled by the outburst. Eliza turned warily to look at Wade, who up to a few moments ago had been cradling her in his arms against his chest. But of course as soon as Eliza had felt steady enough she’d put up one hell of a fight and demanded Wade put her down. Eliza wouldn’t take kindly to appearing weak in front of her team. Even if that was the very last thing any of them would ever think about such a fierce woman.

Wade was seething in anger and he shook his head back and forth, harsh expletives muttered under his breath the entire time. But it was Eliza he directed his fury at.

“You were just goddamn tortured. They waterboarded you. You’re in no condition to mount a full-scale assault on this organization. What the fuck are you thinking? You should be in the goddamn hospital, for Christ’s sake!”

Eliza smiled. “That’s the way I roll, I guess.”

“You need a fucking keeper,” Wade muttered. “Someone with more sense than you so he can keep you out of trouble.”

Eliza snorted. “I’d like to see a man try it.”

Wade’s eyes glittered at the challenge in Eliza’s voice and he stared her down but Eliza didn’t budge one inch. Defiance was bright in her eyes but so was anger and rage. Zack could well understand Eliza’s need for revenge. It was a bitter, all-consuming taste in his mouth as well. He wanted these assholes to pay for every single woman important to DSS who’d been hurt by complete cowardice.

Eliza glanced at the group around her as though searching for someone. Fear and concern furrowed her brow.

“Ari? Where is Ari? Is she all right?” Eliza asked in a panicked tone.

“She’s fine, Lizzie,” Dane soothed. “Beau is seeing to her now. It was hard on her. It always is. But she seems to be recovering more quickly this time.”

Eliza sagged in relief. She hugged herself tightly as though she were cold. Wade slipped his arms around her from behind and pulled her against him so she’d absorb his body heat. She acted as though she didn’t even notice.

She closed her eyes wearily. “I’d never want my freedom at the cost of one of your lives. I couldn’t bear it.”

“Too fucking bad,” Dane said rudely. “You risk your life for us all the goddamn time. So suck it up and deal when we do the same for you.”

Eliza smiled ruefully. “Okay, boss man.”

Then she frowned as if only just realizing that Wade was surrounding her, his arms wrapped tightly, trapping her against his body. She immediately shoved away, putting distance between them, and she scowled her displeasure at Wade.

In the distance the wail of multiple sirens sounded. Dane tensed and glanced back at the contained prisoners.

“Fuck, this is going to be a long goddamn night,” Dane grumbled. “I hate paperwork and dealing with cops, even if they’re on our side. I just hope to hell no reporters show up.”


ANNA-GRACE lay on her side on the stretcher in the emergency room, half dozing, fuzzy from the pain medication. She wasn’t complaining, though, because her wound required a lot of stitches and she was glad for the most part she’d been completely oblivious to what was going on.

It wasn’t hurting, a fact she was thankful for. Because when the adrenaline had worn off in the aftermath of Eliza’s rescue, the pain had screamed through her back, catching her completely off guard. She’d nearly hyperventilated on the way to the hospital, until the paramedic administered oxygen and then very nicely injected morphine into her IV.

The rest of the ride was a warm, fuzzy haze, her only memory arriving at the hospital and Zack’s head appearing above hers when they unloaded her stretcher from the ambulance. He’d been grim and worried and lines of strain were evident in his face.

She’d given him a goofy smile and said, “Don’t be sad, Zack. I’m a Valkyrie.”

She nearly groaned as that memory came back to her. God, could she have been any more ridiculous? And apparently she hadn’t been particularly quiet with her declaration because she’d heard laughter from several different sources.

Despite not minding the state between awake and sleeping, she forced her eyelids open and saw Zack slumped in a chair right next to the head of her bed. Her arm was outstretched and his hand was curled around hers through the bars of the bed rail.

She studied their clasped hands a moment, pondering how right it felt. As though they hadn’t spent the last twelve years apart.

As if sensing her silent perusal, his eyes opened and then he became more alert, leaning forward so his face was closer to hers. With his free hand he smoothed his palm over her cheek, so much love and concern in his eyes that for a moment she couldn’t breathe.

This was not the look of a man who’d brutally betrayed her.