"Doesn't it confirm our suspect that the girl is not actually a street girl? She must belong to an organization to hold such exceptional abilities", Andrian put forth the odds after some reflecting.

"I don't think so. The martial arts taught in organizations have specific movements that are at least tangible. But she...", Arsenio said slowly while a vivid image of her sharp movements replayed in his mind, "Her movements doesn't seem to belong to any notable proficient martial art techniques."

"But our sources are reliable and her record is clean. She lived with her parents for 15 years. There is nothing extraordinary. No martial art training until she left her home for inexplicable reason. Though record of her street life is a blur, there is no way to learn that level of proficiency in any martial art in less than two years unless she is being trained since she was a 5 year old", as Andrian said he came around another possibility, "Or else her martial arts are devised by herself?"

To devise martial arts on her her with merely learning the objective of each strike. Just what kind of intellect level it required?

Apparently Arsenio trail of thinking was one step ahead of them. So he only nodded as he had already concluded it the first day he witnessed her martial art. He was highly intrigued. Otherwise why would he tell his subordinates to take her back?


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