So Adam personally showed him the tape-recording. After watching it with his own eyes, Andrian seemed to have suffered a major psychological damage. From now on he wouldn't hesitate to put a two year old toddler in suspect list for a possible murder. He wouldn't be able to trust any innocent looking thing in his lifetime.

Only Arsenio didn't need to look at the video. For he was already aware of the nature of the little fox.

"Big Boss you must do something about it! Our man has been ruthlessly killed by that cunning woman! You must avenge him", Adam wailed pitifully.

Earlier when he came to his Boss, he assumed that Big Boss would be thoroughly enraged at the news. That spy had done many things for the organization after all.

What he didn't expect was that rare rumbling laughter.


"Didn't I warn you to send proficient men. Who told you to send that inexperienced spook"

Andrian who was in inexplicable daze suddenly broke out in conversation: "Inefficient spook? He was the best of our men! He was the man who dug out the deep secrets of White Eagles for us!"

"Why do you think he failed?", Arsenio said briefly leaving his men do the thinking. Like always, he was a man of few words

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